creating the espada.

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After we got back to class.

Naja:excuse me but i need to go home early since i got something important to do.

Naja just go without the teacher saying she can do that.

Issei:wonder why she in a hurry?

Guess i find out when i got home. After the class was over i stay in school more since i got extra class today. Now you might be saying why am i taking extra class since im smart. Well im not learning im teaching. The school let me teach a couple of students that they choose so im going to be here for a while.

Meanwhile at the hyoudou household.

Hikari:naja im back.

Naja:oh hikari. Where issei?

Hikari:he got extra class to teach so hes not coming back for a while.

Naja:that great now i have extra time to cook for him!



She said in excitment.

Hikari:what are you cooking?

Naja:one of the gourmet dish in my world. A nikujaguar!

Hikari:the hell is a ni


Suddenly a green octopus with jaguar head lunge toward baaya.


Naja:you can hold it off for a while im trying my best to peel this onion. But no matter how hard i try there always another layer.

Hikari:that is how onion work.

Naja:why am i crying. Is it because of my powerlessness of being incapable of peeling this onion?

Hikari:that is also how onion work.


The thing then lunge to hikari.

Hikari:ahhhhh get away!!!!!

Back to issei.

They probably fine.

The visionary.

After the extra class ends make a new dimension call........ hueco mundo. Now now i will make this place isnt as shittt as in bleach but and i will modify the hollows a bit to better feeds my need. Also i want the espada as my servants. Except for yami, noitora, zommari and aaroniero cause fuck em.  Now i had made the first hollows. I let them go around a bit. Ofcourse i give them intelligence but not much. They will gain more as an adjuchas though. I wonder when i should make the espada. Before i leave i make barragan and told him to be the king of hueco mundo and to serve me as his master. I make him loyal and then im gone.

I went back the real world and went back home. On the road i was walking a mist jusy appear out of nowhere and got thicker to the point of not letting me see father than my hand could stretch. I kept walking as this road was familiars to me and then i saw a silhouette of a person riding a horse.

Issei:why would anyone be riding on a horse when they are not at the old town road?

The figure gets closer as i walk towards it but it also walk toward me. Then the figure became clear. It was not a person riding a horse. It was a person with the lower half of one. A centaur. She kept walking towards me and ask.

Centuar:can you see me?

Issei:as clear as glass.

Centuar:yet you are not afraid? Are you a human mage?

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