Ramming the mustang

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He kept following them. The road was slippery. The mustang could spin any moment now. He just needed to get the radio working. He grabbed it from the passenger seat. And turned it on. He pressed the button.
'This is Greywolf over.' He said. As he steered to the right. 'We have located you.' Came through.
'Yea, that took time. Listen we cut em off on the route 5.5.' He said. It was code language he used.
'Roger that, helicopter inbound. Over.'
'If we get those Winchesters we can stop them from discovering the poison.' He said.
'Yes sir.'
'Good. Let's get em.' He said. And threw the radio on the passenger seat.
He speeded up. Coming closer to the two cars. He took his gun out. He aimed it at the old car. The driver made a sharp turn. Making him miss his shots. 'Fuck.' He said.
He saw another car it came from the right black Cadillac. It rammed into him. Making his car roll over the Cadillac. And crashed upside down on the road. The crash was hard. He climbed out of the car. And laid down on his back on the cold ground. He coughed up blood. The person who rammed him. Got out of the car.
Sam stopped the car while Dean almost hit him. But stopped too. He got out of the car. And walked over to the wreck. He saw James. 'You helped us again.' He said
James grinned. 'I was just passing by.' He said. James rested his hand on the car hood before pulling out his gun. Sam stepped on his arm. 'Urghhh...' The man began to laugh. James kicked him against his ribs. He turned around and laid on his back. 'Face us coward.' James said. The man smile disappeared of his face. He sat up straight and looked first at Sam before looking at James. 'Who are you calling coward? James you were the one who tried to get away from it.' The man said. Sam gave him a confused gaze. 'Where's He talking about?' Sam asked. James shot him a gaze. 'I didn't.' James said.
'I have been hunting you people down.' James said. His voice sounded heartless.
James squatted beside him. Sam heard  Dean laughing from a few yards away. 'I won you idiots!' He yelled. Sam tried to ignore him. But Dean was just so annoying when he's high.
'Because What you have done to my daughter.' James said. The man laughed louder. 'Hehehe. You see James that's your weakness. And ya know we can't have weaknesses.' He said.
Sam saw James standing up and then he aimed the gun at his head. 'Say hail to this.' He said. And he then pulled the trigger.

 Last Day On Earth |The Walking dead x Supernatural| 2 parts (finished)Where stories live. Discover now