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He woke up in a chair, he panicked. He saw he was tied up with straps. He saw a huge machine next to him. He felt pain, a lot of pain. He felt warm blood streaming over his face. Something happend, but he couldn't remember. He saw a woman entering the room with a man by her side. He had a deep scar. "Who are you?" He asked. He looked around with panic in his eyes. "The question is who are you?" The woman said. Walking to him.
He didn't thought about that, who is he? Dean looked at the floor, "who am I?" He said. He saw the woman's shadow on the ground she was walking around him. "I-I do-don't know who I am." He said, with a shaky voice. He felt tears rolling over his cheeks. He looked up to the man. His tear fell on the floor. It was mixed up with blood. It turned to be a liquid.

Dean kept looking at the man. The woman touched his neck softly. "It's going to be okay." She said. Her hand slid to his chin. She stood in front of him, he looked at her. "Who am I?" He asked her.
"You're Dean my soldier." She said,
"I'm a sol-soldier?" He asked.
She nodded, "welcome." She said.
"You're going to be a fine soldier. Dean." She said.
"Let's get you out if the chair." She said smiling at him. She gave the man a sign. He nodded and walked to Dean and he untied him. Dean got out of the chair.

The man with the scar and blind eye offered him a gun. "Let's get started." She said. Dean nodded.

Few weeks later...
Outside the city...

He threw a grenade at them. It exploded, he jumped over a fence and he shot the first guy he saw through his head. When he was in the air, he broke the fall and he made a head roll, he heard gun shots, he shot someone again. This time hitting a soldier straight through his leg. He cried out in pain, and fell at the same time on the ground. He sought cover behind abandoned car. He peeked over and he fired a few shots.
He pulled his head away when they fired back.

"Fuck! Where the hell is Dick?" He said through his mouth microphone.
"He said he was counting the bullets."
They were every where, shooting at him from every corner.
"I'll cover you go to the other side of the farm." Came through his microphone. It' s Dick.
He nodded and he fired some shots at the soldiers. One stood close to him. But he got shot. He was glad Dick was behind the sniper this time. When he made it to the other side. He could see through the reflection of the windows of the old farmhouse if someone is coming toward him.

He saw someone jumping on a abandoned car. "Come out where ever you are." He yelled. The man took his helmet off. "Fuck it's Cole. Ya got a clear shot on him?" He asked.
Dick didn't answer him.

He grabbed the man with the sniper by his collar and dragged him away from the weapon. He tried to escape from Dean's grip but he held him to tight, choking him. He still tried to get loose. He moved wildly in Dean's arms but he weakened in his arms. Dean made sure he didn't breath anymore. And finally he let him go.

The body fell on the ground, Dean saw a photo in the man's jacket. He squatted and he took the photo out of his jacket-pocket. He saw the man he choked with a woman and one kid.

He laid the photo down next to the dead man.
He stood up and walked away from the body towards the farm. Cole their operation leader stood there. He looked at Dean. "You got him?" He asked. "Yes."
"The other one escaped I think he went back to camp. He's going to warn them." Cole said
"We need to get there before he does." Cole added.
Dean nodded. "Like madam said, no prisoners." Cole said, to the 5 others. "We need to take care of those terrorists before they make a move. Y'all understand that?" He said.
"Yes sir."
"Good." He said.
"Let's move out." He said.

 Last Day On Earth |The Walking dead x Supernatural| 2 parts (finished)Where stories live. Discover now