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Few years later...

Dean woke up, he laid in a bed. He looked around him the only thing he saw in the room was a painting of a WW2 plane. It faded on the painting.
He felt something in his arm. He saw that it laid open. His skin was cut open. He saw a metal object in his arm. It had a tube attached to a machine. Dean placed his hand in his arm. He grabbed the metal object with his hands. It felt warm, he tried to pull it out. But it hurt like hell.

Arghhhh he moaned. "Fuck." He said. He couldn't get it out of his arm.
The weird thing was that he didn't knew how he ended up here. He only remembered his name.
Dean heard someone entering the room. "Don't pull that out of you soldier!" A man said and he came running in. He pulled Dean's hand out of his arm.
"What happend?"
"You got attacked, you had broken ribs and a wound that got infected with dangerous bacteria that could have killed you." He said.
Dean looked at him. He couldn't remember that that happend to him.
"Where am I?" Dean asked. "Your at our base , soldier."
"Base?" He said. The man nodded, "if you want I can show you." The man said.
Dean was confused. But he nodded.
The man removed the thing out of his arm.
"How long I've been gone."
"16 months." He said.
Dean sat straight up and he stepped out of the bed. He scratched his head. When he looked at his left arm he could see a burn mark. Three circles in a triangle form. He wanted to know what that on his arm, but he didn't want to ask him that. The man threw him a suit, the same mark was on it. He dressed up. And the man leaded him towards the door. He opened it. And walked out Dean followed him. He saw a long hallway the walls were white and there were white. He saw a few people with the same suit walking by.
They walked out of the hallway to a open space in the building there was a huge window. Dean saw that he was 12 stories high. He saw a city. There where people crossing the road. "What is this?" He asked.
"You don't remember?" He shook his head.
He saw the man grinning in his eye corner. "Oh well this is our city. We saved those people." He said.

 Last Day On Earth |The Walking dead x Supernatural| 2 parts (finished)Where stories live. Discover now