Chapter 6

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"you?" she says before I can say anything.

" I see you two have met" Omar says while placing a kiss on his new wife's lips.

"of course they have baby" she smiles at him.

I don't say anything neither did she. We all head to the dinning area, I sit down beside her across from the couple. Dijah and Omar keep bringing up something to talk about, I guess they notice the awkwardness. I eat my salad listening to the couple and 'her' talk.

" Muhammad you really should get married" dijah says and I choke on my salad

" marriage is not for me" I say not looking up from my bowl of salad.

I never want to get married nor do I want kids, I just want to be by  myself. I have never had a girlfriend and im fine with that

" sehamt did you know Muhammad  has never had a girlfriend" dijah says

Let it roll off your back my subconscious tells me

" I wonder why?" she says sarcastically and dijah laughs

" ladies I think this isn't the topic to talk about" Omar says with a small smile

Omar knows how I feel about marriage and I'm glad he stopped the conversation before it got out of hand. Everyone talks while Omar laughs at his wife's lame jokes, I noticed a cut on 'her' right hand.

" what happened to your hand?" I  whisper in her ear

" just a cut" she says covering her hand with her floral design gown

" doesn't look like a normal cut to me" I say to her and she looks up at me

" well it is" she says and gets back to her Mac and cheese

" he did this to you didn't he?" I ask her and watch as her grip on her fork tightens

Too far  my subconscious says and I ignore it

" you are a nosy little p***k aren't you?" she yells

Wow! I did not expect her choice of words, I'm really impressed

" I'm not being nosy I'm just asking about your well being " I say yelling back at her

I notice Omar and dijah exchanging glances

" asking about my well being?... If it weren't for you trying to be a hero all this..." she starts yelling and stops

" all this what? " my voice is small

" you really need to mind your bussines!"  she yells and bangs her fork on her plate before she  walks away.

" what did you do? " dijah asks following her friend

I don't know why she is getting all beast mode it was just a question

" tell me what you said" Omar says giving me a knowing look

" nothing she needs to be angry about" I say and walk out on him

" you are impossible" I hear him say

I try to find the bathroom but her words stop me

" he hurts me so bad" I hear her say

" why don't you leave? You are always welcomed here" dijah says

" I can't leave him" she says in between sobs

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