Chapter 2- Void

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School day ended as quick as it started. I parted ways with Frisk and headed home. Not because I wanted to, they left school early. I approached the gates as I felt this presences next to me. I looked to the side. Jason and Tritiniy. I rolled my eyes. "Hello, Mr. Jock man and Mrs. Blonde brain" I say as I pull out my earbuds.

"Hello, sassy loner." She replied. "Walking home alone I see?"

I rolled my eyes as one earbud went in. "Actually Frisk left early, so I'm heading home over to see if everything is fine." Jason's face became worried. 

"You think something happened to them?" he said worry some. I sighed. Of course he's worried.

"They're probably fine." I say trying to get him away from me. "Now if you excuse me." I say putting the other one in. "I have somewhere to be." I started to walk off.

"Wait! Have us go with you!" called Tritiniy. "We are so worried for our good friend Frisk." she said innocently. I gagged. 

"Uh huh, okay." I say and continued. I thought walking away would do a difference, obviously to no avail. They followed. "Why are you guys so worried? Not like they're dead."

"You don't know that or do you?" asked Tritiniy questioning that statement. I groaned. "I'm kidding. Jason and I want to see if Frisk is alright, because I deeply care about Frisk just as much as I care about Jason and you." You only came to make yourself look good.

I ignored what she said and kept walking. Not gonna lose any brain cells today. I continued as we reached the beginning of some neighborhoods. Jason and Tritiniy talking amongst themselves. I should I stop her from talking to him? I thought about it for a sec. Na, it's pretty obvious he's got the hot's for Frisk. 

As my thoughts trailed off into my head, we quickly reached Frisk's small home. I take my earbuds off and approached the door. I knocked, stepped back and waited. Nothing. I approached and knocked again. Nothing. I repeated it once again. "Didn't Frisk say they were busy today?" asked Jason. Tritiniy snapped her fingers.

"Dang that's right." she clicked her teeth. "Well better luck time!" she said grabbing onto Jason's arm. "Jason and I will take our leave." she said tugging onto his arm starting to drag him away.

"Yeah okay thanks!" I reply as Jason and Tritiniy left. I looked over to them then over to the door. I sighed. One more try.

I approach the door and knocked for the final time. I stood there patiently. Nope nothing. I turned to take my leave before the door opens. I looked back. Sans was there. His short plump size gazing up at me. "Sorry kiddo, I was helping Mrs. Toriel out with somethin' what can I do for ya?" he ask leaning onto the door frame. 

"I came to see Frisk." I say. Sans hums quietly.

"Got any jokes?" he asks. I gave a baffled expression. So you've chosen this- I say to myself.

"Um..." I thought quickly. "Knock Knock." I say waiting for a response.

"Who's there?"


"Daisy who?"

Can't believe I'm doing this. "Daisy me rolling dun, dun, and hatin." I say in such a monotone voice. He laughed slightly. 

"That was terrible, but it made me laugh a bit, so I'll let you through." he said moving away from the door frame. As I walked past him he said one more thing. "Got any ketchup?"

I looked over to him. "Why the fuck would I have ketchup?" I say confused. He shrugs.

"Never hurts to ask." he said closing the door. I shook my head and headed up the stairs. I followed the set of stairs meeting with a few doors. I approached their room and gave it a swift knock.

"Hello?" I hear their voice peep.

"Hello." I say back. It was quite for a moment before I heard shuffling and other small noises. Slowly the noises stopped. I heard foot steps approach the door. It swung open revealing the person. They move over to let me in. I walk into their small room. "You left suddenly." I say.

They nodded their head. "Yeah you know I had ambassador stuff to do." They said with a nervous smile. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah I guess so." I say a bit questioning. "So what kind of ambassador stuff did you do?" I asked taking a seat on the bed. 

"Oh? I, well, we did a view collaborations with a few companies to help expand the jobs monsters can take, it's a work a progress." They said a little flustered. 

"So you finished all your important duties?" Frisk shook their head.

"Not exactly, I have a few more things to do actually....wait what time is it?" They asked looking at me.

I shrug and take out my phone. "It's uh, 2:27." Frisk straightened up.

"Crap!" They gave a panicked cry. "We're going to be late!" They walked over to a chair and grabbed a sweater. "I'm sorry Y/N but I got something to do. Heh, yeah sorry." I got up and gave a small gesture.

"Don't worry about it." I approached the door and opened it. "Same thing tomorrow?" I ask. Frisk nodded frantically.

"Sans! Do you have the paint!" They called from their room. 

"Yep." I barely heard that. I looked over to Frisk and gave a thumbs up. 

"I'll get going then." I say with a wave. "I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Yeah see you tomorrow." They said approaching me. I give them a hug and headed to the stairs. They came down stairs with me and walked me to the door. Sans was there waiting for them. "Sorry about this." They said a bit embarrassed. I shook my head, understanding them. "I promise I'll make it up to you." They added with a nervous smile. 

"You're good." I say as I approached the door. "I'll see you later then?" I say.

"Mhm, absolutely." They said quickly as they walked out with me and closed the door behind us. I told them my goodbyes and started to walk off. I waved at them as they waved back and headed to their backyard. They both stuck close and looked back constantly, as if they didn't want anyone to see. That's kinda weird. I stopped walking and looked back at the house. Don't go Y/N, don't be nosy. I tapped my foot. But what if they need help with something? I paused. Don't make excuses to go be nosy. 

I debated for a moment before I heard a loud yell, not a scream like someone is terrified, like some just jumped off a cliff into a lake. I'm going to go check it out. I told myself. I walked back to their house and quietly made my way to their back yard. I could hear them making some small talk. "Think all the the AUs will be there?" sounded like Frisk.

"Impossible for all of them to show up." 

"Guess you're right." I slowly peered over and saw Frisk patiently waiting for Sans. Seems like he was opening a bottle of paint. He dropped the small amount of liquid onto the ground. Slowly a bright light came from it and what looked like the ground was caving in. They both looked at each other before hopping inside. I moved over a bit frightened of where they could've gone. I approached the hole. It was a white blank nothingness. I lean a bit into it, trying my best to not fall in. Though I am not the best with my balance before I knew It I started to slip. Trying to get my balance back I fell, gravity being a little asshole and fell into the blank of nothingness.

My eyes were crowded with nothing. Everything was buzzing and blurry. I barely hear the faint voices speaking to me. Am I dead?  

"Y/N? Get up! Please! Someone get water!" It's Frisk, at least I think it is. I groaned. I could feel something hitting my head repeatedly. "I think she's waking up!" 

"Wha?" I say confused. "Where am I?"

"HeH, wElCcOmeE tO ThEEe VoIdD."

(REWRITE) Not All Nightmares Are Bad (Nightmare Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now