Sahyo Stripper💦

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Jihyo pov

I didn't talk to Sana for 3 week's since I found out she was a stripper from that night with Tz But I wanted to see her and speak to her. So I found out what strip club Sana work's out. So I went there. But in disguise ofc. Music started to play and a girl came out just to revealing. Already money was being thrown at her. I saw the face and I couldn't believe it. It was Sana. They way her body move in sync to the music. She just looked so hot.

" She the best one here ", the bartender said distracting me from her. 

" What do you mean by that? ", I asked looking at him.

" She earn's the most money out all of the girl's here. She just has the perfect body. People want to have alone time with her but she's off limits. Even if the money is like 2,000,000. She will refuse ", He explained.

" Is that soo ", I mutter to myself and took a sip of my cocktail. The amount of money that was being thrown on the stage was a lot. The music soon was over and staff came and collect her money while she went back to the backroom. Next time Ill come and Ill record.

" Zack cocktail ". I look next to me to see Sana pretty much naked sitting on the counter. Fucking hell. Hot she hot. Oh my god don't tell me I like girls.

" How much money did you make tonight? ", he asked.

" Don't know still being counted but higher than last night ", she responded.

" What are you gonna do with the money today? ", he asked.

" Maybe buy something special for someone ", she said. Why dose she look so hot. Why do I want to kiss her.

" You mean that girl you always talk about what's her name ji.. ". Sana covered his mouth.

" I don't always talk about her thank you ", she said.

" Lies your always whining like why is she straight. Or why is she so hot. Or you wish you were a guy ", he said.

" Shut up ", she said.

" Okay but, You gonna stop that fight over there ", he said pointing to two guys fighting. Is it weird I just listen to their conversation.

" Don't drink my cocktail if you do I beat ya ass ", Sana said.

" Yes Ma'ma Ill put it over here ", he said. I watched Sana walked over to the guys. They stop instantly with just one look at her.

" I see your very interested in her ", the guy said.

" She's interesting ", I said.

" Don't forget to give this to Sana it's about 6,000,000 dollars ", another girl said and handed him the money. I choked on my drink. She get's that much money.

" You alright Ma'ma? ", he asked.

" Yeah I am fine may asked what time she performs tomorrow? ", i asked.

" Around 9:35pm ", he responded.

" Alright thank you ", I said and went. So Sana a fucking hot ass stripper.

" Jihyo what you doing outside Sana strip club? ", Dahyun asked.

" Stirp club she works here? ", i asked confused.

" Yeah ", she responded.

" I never knew that. I am gonna go now nice seeing ya ", I said and walked around the corner. I obviously watched what was gonna happen next.

Dahyun walked up to Sana. And pushed her against the wall.

" Why so aggressive? ". 

" You had sex with Chaeyoung! ".

" Mina had sex with Chaeyoung! ".

" And she had sex with Jeongyeon and Tzuyu. She's different! ".

" No she's not. I can go and have sex with Jeongyeon right now. Or even Tzuyu. I can even fuck Momo ". Where is this going?

" Dahyun? ". Wow Momo work's there two. Dahyun let Sana go. 

" Babe ".

" Is Sana that really good at sex that you just want to have sex with her and not me! ".


Sana snucked away and came heading toward's my direction. Shit, i couldn't move.

Sana pov

When I came back from the fight. The girl who was watching me, left.

" Where did she go? ", I asked.

" She left just like 2 minutes ago ", he said. 

I put on some clothes and ran outside. I couldn't see her anywhere. Dahyun walked up to me and pushed me against the wall.

" Why so aggressive? ".

" You had sex with Chaeyoung! ".

" Mina had sex with Chaeyoung! ".

" And she had sex with Jeongyeon and Tzuyu. She's different! ".

" No she's not. I can go and have sex with Jeongyeon right now. Or even Tzuyu. I can even fuck Momo ". Where is this going?

" Dahyun? ". Dahyun let me go. Poor Momo, I feel sorry for her liking Dahyun. 

" Babe ".

" Is Sana that really good at sex that you just want to have sex with her and not me! ".


I manage to get away. I turn around the corner I was shocked to who I came face to face with. 

" J-jihyo ". 

" H-hey ". She never spoke to me again after I had sex with Dahyun.

" Babe let's go ". She's got a boyfriend now. She didn't even say bye. She just went off to the guy. Why? Why...born me as a girl. Why make me fall for a straight girl.

I went back home feeling hurt. She still trying to ignore me. 

Pt2 or not?

I might just published it anyway.

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