Mitzu (Secrete pt1)

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Tzuyu POV

I was on a V-Live with Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Momo and Nayeon. My phone began ringing. The member's looked at me. I picked it up and blushed at the caller. ' Mina🐧❤ '  I was to late to answer it.

" Who was it? ", Nayeon unnie questioned.

" Uhh Chae ", I responded.

I went on message to text her but she beated it to me.

Now chatting with Mina🐧❤


Tzuyu? Are you busy?? xx


I was about to answer but I was to late. Sorry xx


What are you doing? Cause I'm lonely. xx


I'm on V-Live with Sana, Jihyo, Dahyun, Momo and Nayeon unnie. xx


Come here with me😘 xx

I smiled at that.

" What are you smiling at? ", Jihyo asked.

" N-nothing ".


Okay, see you in a minute. ❤ xx


Hurry, I'm missing you. xx

I got up and left without explaining to them. 

Mina Unnie's room

I went over to her bed and join her. 

" Mina-ah ".

She stopped playing on her phone and looked at me. She smiled and hugged me.

" I missed you ", she said. 

" I miss you too ", I responded.

" So what were you and them lot doing? ", She asked as I laid my head on her chest.

" Just talking about random stuff ", I replied. 

" Being with me is way better ", she said. 

" Defiantly we hardly get the time to be alone ", I said pouting.

" Yeah, but at least were here together now ", She said.

" Yeah ".

I quickly peck her cheek. I watched her flush red. 

" Your a bit red there  ", I said smiling.

" I blame you for still causing an earthquake in my heart ", she said facing me. 

I turned red by just her looking at me. She pecked my lip.

" That's my payback ", she said. 

My whole heart was shaking with happiness Mina is my girlfriend.

12 minute's later

" It's hard keeping us a secrete ", she said.

I lifted my head up from her lap for a seconded to look at her.

" It's for the best though, right ", I said laying my head back down.

"  Yes ".

She ran her finger's through my hair, which made me sleepy. 

" I love you ", I said.

" I love you too ".

Nayeon POV

We finished our V-Live. 

" Is it weird Tzuyu left so quick? ", Momo asked.

" I agree, but she didn't leave the dorm so she must be-- ".

" Wait isn't Mina the only one here in the dorm? Since Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon went out? ", Dahyun said cutting me off.

 I saw Sana leaving the room. I followed her and saw she was opening Mina's room.

Sana POV

I open Mina's door, to see Tzuyu there with her. Tzuyu was sleeping and Mina from time to time, played with Tzuyu's hair while looking at her phone.

" What are you doing? ", Nayeon unnie's asked quietly.

" Look ", I said in a light whisper.

" Oh, that's cute ".

We left the room. So it was Mina who called? But why did Tzuyu lie about who it was? I mean now we have Once's asking questions. Are you two hiding something?

Mina POV

Tzuyu feel asleep, which was adorable. I took a photo of her, I anit a pervert cause she's my girlfriend. Anyway I was searching through Mitzu when I saw something saying.

 Mina and Tzuyu hiding something?

I clicked onto it.

How is it when the camera is on the two, they try not to look at each other anymore. Or if they make contact they look away. But they seem pretty talkative when the camera anit on them, well at least that's what they think.

I reckoned Mina and Tzuyu like each other. But doesn't want to show it.

I think they are dating secretly. I mean it's obvious for us Mitzu shipper's they are trying not to get caught about something. Also when I was watching them doing a photoshoot for the 5 year annviersey. I saw Jihyo jealous, well I think anyway. Sana faked kissing Jeongyeon and Jihyo look away so quick, I mean they did nearly kiss. Anyway back to what I was saying. At the time that was happening, you see Tzuyu taking a quick look at Mina.  Not that Mina knew cause she looked like she was in her own world.

Are we suspicious then? I just turn of my phone and closed my eye's going of to dream land with Tzuyu.

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