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At camp Night time

Jihyo's POV

I felt something on top of me. I open my eyes and I was shocked to see Sana.

" Sana... ". 

" shhh ". I felt her intertwined our hand's and she was getting closer to my lip's. I just closed my eye's. Her lip's touched mine, and I let her. I let Sana kiss me, even though I'm with Daniel. It felt so wrong but right at the same time. She pulled away, I open my eyes and she looked at me.

" I know your with Daniel, but I can treat you better. I love you Jihyo and I mean it ", She said then got of me and left the tent.

 Did she confess to me.

" Ooo Sana confessed ", Jeongyeon said, scaring the living shit's out of me.

" Fuck ". 

" Don't tell me you forgot I was here ", She said. 

" What you saw keep it a secrete ", I said.

" About that...You need to make a choice ", She said. Sana stop confusing my brain and my heart.

" I recommended Sana. Cause Sana, always there. Where Daniel he's busy. But it's not my choice ", Jeongyeon said laying back down.

I looked next to me and Mina wasn't here. Where did Mina go?

Mina POV

I couldn't sleep. So I went off to the maknae tent. Why? Cause TZUYU'S there. To my surprise she was up still. No one know's that were dating it's our secrete. I went over to her and laid down with her. 

" Can't sleep? ", she asked. 

" Mhm ". I hugged her. It's more comfortable when I'm with her. She got a message all of a sudden. 

" Did you see Sana in your tent before you left? ", she asked. 

" No. Why? ", I asked. She showed me her phone.





" ..OMG! ". Jesus. 

" oh hi Mina ", Dahyun said and smiled.

" hi ". 

" So what is Sana trying to imply by this? ", Dahyun asked. 

" She want Jihyo be her's ", Tzuyu said. You know I keep forgetting she's so smart. Sept from when it came to feeling's.

" Oh okay. I am going back to sleep night ", she said and laid back down.

" I'm sleeping too ", I said.

" Night then ", she said. 

Tzuyu POV

Mina fell asleep. But if she wake's up here it's gonna be caught on camera and that so. I got up and picked her up carefully and carried her back to her tent. It's not that I didn't want her to sleep with me, I am just worried about what people are gonna think if they saw Mina wasn't in the tent she's meant to be in. I mange to get into her tent. I laid her down and tucked her in. I even gave her the yoda teddy. 

" Night babe ", I whispered and pecked her forehead then left.

Sana POV

Yes I got to kiss Jihyo. At last. But there's only one problem, is who she's gonna chose. I know Daniel is a nice guy. But I want to have Jihyo, I own her first. I admitted we had a relationship, well that was kind of a announcement. I'll just wait for now. But if she hasn't chosen by the end of this week, Ill give up my feeling's.

Should I do a part 2? 

Or should I turn this in to a book?

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