Sahyo Stripper pt2💦

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Jihyo pov

Forgot to mention I do have a boyfriend. But I just couldn't stay away. I went back to Sana's strip club. Sana just finished her dancing. And I was not expecting her to come up to me.

" You come with me ", she said. Ah shit dose she know it's me. I followed behind her.

We went into some really cozy room.

" Sit down ", she commanded.

" Why you wearing a disguise Jihyo? ", she asked leaning over at me with her tits close to my face. I took my hat off.

" Umm ".

" Did you maybe like what you saw? ", she asked whispering into my ear. Ah shit why she so hot. Fuck why you so good at this.

" Hmm no response ", she said taking her clothes off. She was naked. Fucking hell. She went and got some wine the came back to me with a blindfold. 

" Why are you here if you have a boyfriend? ", she asked taking a sip of the wine. That's such a good question. 

" I-i ". I couldn't focus or say the word's I wanted to. I just wanted to touch her.

" No answer ". She blindfolded me.

" What are you going to do to me? ", I asked.

" It's simple I am giving you something many of them out there want ", she said.

" I didn't pay ", I said. But for some reason I liked this.

" That because your ".

" Special ", she whispered seductively in my ear and felt her sit on me. My hand's just went onto her body. I used my hand to try and removed the mask.

" Nope your keeping that on ", she said and took my hand's and put them onto her waist.

" Why? ". 

" Don't ask me question's baby girl ", she said and lifted my chin up and her lip's landed on mine. I return it. It ws better than the kiss we had before. I just felt comfortable with her. She even used her tongue. Like fuck she a good kisser. She soon pulled away, and I pushed down so I'm laying. My blindfolded got removed.

" That's all your getting ". I wanted more. 

" Why? ".

" It's the rules here ", she said. 

" Here's your money look's like I won't be giving you a ride home tonight goodbye ", he said and left. Sana got off me. Is she just gonna leave me after doing that. She got dress. 

" Wait where are you going? ", I asked.

" Home of course ", She said. She's actually just gonna go after doing that to me.

" No ".

" No? ".

" No, You can't leave after doing that ", I said.

" Why not? ". Cause, I need you.

" Cause ".

" That's not an answer ", she said leaving the area. Don't tell me she's just gonna walk away from me. I followed her till she was outside. 

" Don't leave, Come to mine ", I said and grabbed her wrist.

" Okay ".


She pushed me down on to the bed, kissing me passionately. This felt right. Having her body on mine. She went to put her finger in me.

" Wait ".

" What? ".

" Dose this mean something? ".

" I don't know you tell me ", she said.

" Yes.. ". 

" Good. Caused I've waited for this ", she said. I was the girl she was on about. She put her finger inside of me. And kissed me slowly. She is good. 

My door open. I was shocked to see him.

" ... ". Bad decision to bring her back to mine.

He just left and shut the door.  Ah shit.

" It's up to you. You either stay with me or go chasing him ", She said.

" Just continue ", I said. I couldn't care less. I was confused during the time I was with Sana. I needed her now. She continued and finished me. 

" You know I will stop being a stripper. Only if you say you love me and want me to yourself ", she said. I did want her body to be only mine.

"  I love you, and I want you to myself ", I said. She smiled. 

" Good ".

Sana quit being a stripper and became a model. Jihyo became a famous Idol. Well she was pregnant with her ex boyfriend. That she didn't know. And her ex boyfriend was a rapper. So the child came out to be a good looking boy and he enjoyed rapping and singing. Of course Jihyo let's Suga see him. And Jihyo explained everything to him and he was understand it all. They still talk now. Which sometime make's Sana jealous. But Jihyo always reassures her it's only her. 

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