Mitzu ( Secret pt2 )

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Before I start I found this

Before I start I found this

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Mina POV

I got told to get Tzuyu for dinner so that what I am doing. I open her door slowly and I blushed at the sight I was seeing. She was taking of her shirt, revealing her bra. I carefully shutted the door and carefully walked behind her. I placed my hand on her waist. I think she used to me touching her here.

" Dinner is ready ", I said.

She faced me. I just feel the urge to want to kiss her. But what if the member's come in? I was stuck in thought for so long, but i got brought back when I felt lips on mine. I responded obviously. It wasn't long nor short. She pulled away with that cute shy smile. Well, we still get shy around each other. Guess it show's how much we really do like each other. I just showed her my gummy smile before hugging her.

" Don't be to long ", I said. 

" Okay ".

I let her go and cupped her face and stood on my tip toes and pecked her forehead. I left the room after that.


I enter the room and saw Sana smiling. I mean she's always smiling but this smile was weird.

" Where's Tzuyu? ", Jihyo asked.

" Oh she's getting dressed ", I responded.

Nayeon choked on her water and Jeongyeon rushed to her side. I just sat down playing with my fork. Till I felt someone next to me.  I looked next to me and it was just Tzuyu. She smiled and I gave her a little smile back before returning my attention back to my food.

" Tzuyu-ah. Let me feed you ", Sana said smiling.

I just adverted my eyes away from it. I am jealous. But I know Sana doesn't like her in that way, well I hope. I just ate not bothering to look to my right.

" Mina unnie ".

I looked to my left and saw Chaeyoung. She had some food on her spoon.

" I wanna feed you ", she said smiling.

I smiled and just let her feed me. I heard the chair next to me move. 

" Where are you going? ", Momo asked.

" I've finished. Do I have to wait for all of you to finish? ", Tzuyu asked.

Did I make her jealous? No one responded. She just walked off. I notice I was finished. I quickly got up and went into the kitchen.

Tzuyu POV


I shouldn't be jealous, but I am. It's normal to feel this right. I felt a head laying on my back. I know Mina dose this too.  

" I don't think I can hide it from the member's anymore ", I said. 

" Let's tell them... ".

I was shocked. She agree that easily.

" Plus that means we can be with each other more. I missed being with you all the time ", she said.

" Me too ".

I faced her and she still stayed hugging me. I returned the hug. 


Mina let me go and we saw all the member's. That wasn't how we planned to tell them. 

" Umm... ".

I was thinking about to the day Mina came back and was on stage with us. It was like 2 days before that. We confessed.

" For sometime. We were about to tell you guys but you already know... ".

" I KNEW IT! ".

Everyone looked at Nayeon.

" What am I the only one that found it suspicious Tzuyu was happy when she got a call from someone ", she said.

" So that was Mina ", Momo said.

 " Tzuyu why did you lie saying it was Chaeyoung? ".

" .... ".

" Guys stop asking questions. Anyway I support Mitzu anyway ", she said.

" Same! ", Dahyun said.

" I figure something was off when Mina looked at Tzuyu when she said I love you when reading her letter ", Jeongyeon said.

" I gathered too when I caught Tzuyu sleeping with Mina ".

" Okay so me and Chae are the only one's who didn't think the two were suspicious? ", Momo said pouting.

" Should I move out the bedroom then? Then Tzuyu can go sleep with Mina ", Sana said.


Mina's Bedroom

" Well at least we don't have to hide it anymore ", She said as she laid her head on my chest. 

" As long as we can hide it away from onces. Were save right ", I said.

" Mhm, I think we should interact a tiny bit more on screen time. Since some of our shippers are getting on to us ", she said.

" Ahh so your watching those stuff ", I said.

" What it's cute seeing how we were before to now ", she said.

" It is... ".

The End

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