Tzuyu doesn't like Skinship?

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A rough translation on what they were on about. *BBFT 9 *

MC: Sana gets upset a lot by Momo? 

SN: Normally, I have a lot of skinship so I like leaning or hugging the members. But at one point, she (MM) started hating it.

 MM: For me, I do a lot of skinship with the dongsaeng (age is younger). But for friends or unnie (age is older), I can't really do it (skinship) and I can't take it in well/accept it.

 SN: A long time ago, she (MM) used to accept me clinging to her arm or hugging her from behind. If I don't do that first, let's say I try to lay on her legs, then (MM's like), "Don't do it. Go away. I don't like it." 

MCs: Oh really? MC: Since when did that start?

 SN: From my memory, she (MM) was ok with it until TT (era) but after that makes an X with her fingers 

MC: That could be upsetting since she doesn't accept it 

SN: To be honest, I was very upset MC (towards maknae line)

MC: Does MM do a lot skinship (to you guys)? 

DH: To us, she touches us a lot

 MM: For the dongsaengs, they're really cute and I just want to touch them.

 MC: What kind of skinship? 

MM: A variety. For DH, I want to touch her cheeks. Her skin is very good. For CY, if I just touch her, her reaction is very funny.

 CY: I am very ticklish

 MM: Because it's cute. 

MC: What about Tzuyu?

 MM: Ah, I don't really do (skinship) to Tzuyu.

 MC: Even if you do "Ah~" (to Tzuyu), (Tzuyu would) looks away

 MM: You're right! 

JH: In a year, she would only accept (skinship) once

 Unnie line: You're right

So what about Mina? Whenever I see Mina skin shipping with Tzuyu. Tzuyu is fine with it. I think Im going crazy😂

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