Tough Decisions

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Warning: there's a sensitive death in this chapter. Proceed with caution

They didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. The battle against the rebels didn’t take too long to start again. They had gotten into the castle in bulk. There were a lot of rebels fighting. Everyone was struggling to keep up. Thankfully, most of the knights stationed outside of the main city could easily be called back in to aid.

This was probably the battle that would decide it all. Whoever came out victorious would be the winner. With how many rebels they sent, they would be incapacitated if they lost that many. And if the castle was taken over, that meant all of them were dead.

Almost everyone was fighting. Ruby was not fighting. She was with Nozomi in the infirmary. Dia had refused to allow Ruby to fight. She knew Ruby wouldn’t be able to handle a full grown adult. No one argued with her. They all felt the same way. Ruby was fine with helping Nozomi heal the injured. She was glad she didn’t have to try and fight.

Ruby was in charge of distracting the injured as Nozomi did her best to keep them alive. Some required getting their limbs amputated. That was not fun. Especially when they didn’t have anything to knock them out or numb the pain. Ruby hated this job, but she rathered it than fighting.

Hanamaru was fighting at times. She was forced to in order to heal. It was tough. Thankfully, Mari and Karin were with her. They both decided to aid her. Hanamaru needed to keep her strength up so she could heal. She had improved her magic capacity, but that wouldn’t do much if she was too exhausted to move.

Mari had been beside her since the beginning. Hanamaru was grateful to have someone with her. She didn’t want to be alone. Karin ended up joining them after they helped her fend off some rebels. Hanamaru was very thankful they’d help her out instead of just fighting. She definitely needed all the help she could get.

Rina was trying to stay out of the fighting. She was scared. She wasn’t very good at fighting. She was the worst one in the training. Ayumu was right with her. She wasn’t leaving her alone. Ayumu would do everything she could to keep Rina safe from harm. She couldn’t bear to see her so injured again. Especially now that there was a big chance she could die this time.

Rina spent the entire time cowering away. Ayumu did her best to find safe places for her to hide. She needed to help fight, but she wasn’t leaving Rina alone. Ayumu did consider sending her to help Nozomi, but she didn’t know if Rina would want to leave her side. Ayumu was stuck with her no matter what.

Yō was standing guard by the infirmary. She made sure no one got in that wasn’t allowed to. Chika was hanging with her. She wasn’t going to cross over until this battle was finished. She knew she could be useful. She had already proven that. Chika had scared one of the knights away by appearing from nowhere and being very aggressive. Her job was to scout out all the scents Yō smelled to see if they were friend or foe.

Being able to turn invisible definitely had its perks. She could easily see who it was and they would never know. The rebels would know when Yō suddenly charged at them. Yō was covered in blood. She hated it, but there was nothing she could do. She needed to defend the injured. They couldn’t risk anyone getting in. Mainly because of the fact that Ruby was in there. They needed to keep her safe from harm.

Ai was fighting by herself. She was holding her own very well. She was using her magic to hurt the knights and then using a sword to finish them off. She knew better than to try and kill them with magic. She could probably do maybe three like that before she got corrupted by it. Ai didn’t want to have to do that unless necessary. As long as she didn’t get overwhelmed, she was fine without using those spells. If she got too overwhelmed, she would have to. There was no other option except to die.

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