Close Call

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Kanan was growing to have a like-hate relationship with the princess. She’d seem so innocent and pure, but then Kanan would think back to what she had endured by the kingdom’s hands and start hating her again. Even if Mari wasn’t entirely responsible, she still hated her. She was part of the continuing problem. She hadn’t stopped it yet.

Then Kanan would feel sorry for her again. She couldn’t stop the problem if what she said was true. Kanan didn’t know if it was true. That was the main issue. She was conflicted. Maybe Mari truly had no control and wasn’t to blame. Kanan wished she could get an answer that was able to be proven. But, the only way to get that would be to get the queen to talk. There was no hope in that, so she had no idea if what Mari said was true.

Kanan hated this a lot. She was having trouble focusing on her task. She wanted to get the information out about what Mari did. But, Mari continued to say she had no control over anything. Kanan was slowly starting to lose it. She had no clue what she should do anymore.

“Nee, Kanan… I feel like I’m gonna vomit.” Mari whined from the back of the carriage, “Why’d you have to take this road.”

“I do to. There’s a bucket there if you must throw up. The road smooths out in a bit.” Kanan replied, feeling the same agony, “The backroads are safer. Less people to see us and risk finding you.”

She was forced to take the backroads to avoid too much detection. These roads were, in simple terms, shit. No one cared enough about them to properly maintain them. And now they both felt sick from being shaken violently by the bumps of the road. Only the horses had no problems from it. They were experts at navigating roads just like this one.

They managed to get to a better area of the road without any problems. Kanan pulled the horses over to take a small break. She needed to recover from that before she could continue. Kanan hopped off her seat and went to see how Mari was faring. She needed her to be in a favorable condition for the man. If she wasn’t good enough for him, Kanan could only imagine how much he would do to her. That thought made her shiver. She couldn’t help but fear he wouldn’t take her head for her mistake. She feared he’d try and sell her instead.

Mari was curled up under a blanket that Kanan had placed over her. Part of the reason was to keep her warm and the other was to keep her hidden incase anyone checked the back. Kanan had redone the ropes around Mari and they now were attached to the carriage and her body. Mari had a bit more room to move around, but still not that much. Kanan still didn’t trust her. Kanan pulled the blanket off of her so she could talk to her.

“How much longer till we get there?” Mari asked quietly, “I hate traveling already…”

“Still about almost a month. It’s only been three days.” Kanan sighed.

Mari acted so childish like this a lot. She’d seem like she had no idea about anything that Kanan told her about the outside world. Kanan couldn’t help but start to believe that Mari wasn’t actually lying about never going outside. The questions she asked sometimes were too stupid for anyone to think of if they knew the answer.

“Kanan? Why are you helping him?” Mari asked as she sat up, “It’s become clear to me that he isn’t a friend.”

Kanan looked away, “Why should I tell you that?”

“Don’t I deserve to know?” Mari challenged.

Kanan answered that with a slap. Mari yelped as she curled away. Kanan glared at Mari.

“You don’t get to talk to me like that. I can harm you as long as it isn’t permanent. Don’t get cocky with me.” Kanan warned.

“Can’t I know anything about you?” Mari asked in a quieter tone, “You don’t seem like the kind of person who would do something like this.”

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