Spells and Witches

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The morning Kanan was supposed to leave, she was told she had to remain as there were sightings of a wolf in the area. Mari was already gone. She had left early in the morning. The reasoning was because they didn’t want many citizens seeing her. There was still a chance someone might try and attack her and take her to finish was Kanan had started.

“I don’t believe any wolves have ever gotten this far. It’s strange.” Dia commented.

Her and Kanan were standing by the gates and waiting. She was there to see Kanan off. The guards didn’t like that they were outside. A wolf could very well attack them.

“The wolf is coming!” A yell sounded.

“It’s coming here? But why?” Dia mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, the wolf was in sight. Kanan let out a sigh of relief as she saw. It was only Yō. Of course, no one else knew that.

“Should we shoot it, Princess?” A guard asked as he readied his bow.

“Ye-" Dia was about to answer.

"No. Don't shoot." Kanan cut her off.

Kanan gulped as she realized what she had done. She had just disobeyed Dia’s order. But, she wasn't going to let them shoot Yō. Kanan would never be able to live with herself if she let that happen. She walked toward where Yō was running.

"K-Kanan! Get back!" Dia called after her, “It’s going to kill you!”

Kanan stood still as Yō easily got through the gates. She ran right at Kanan. Dia was expecting to see a death.

Instead, Yō flung herself at Kanan and knocked her to the ground with no sign of aggression. Kanan laughed as Yō started to lick her face.

"Get off." Kanan said.

Yō released Kanan from her weight. Kanan sat up. Yō plopped down beside her and happily rubbed her face onto Kanan's shoulder.

"Um… what is going on?" Dia hesitantly approached them.

Kanan was about to speak, when Yō shot up and started growling and stalking toward Dia. Kanan grabbed Yō around her neck and held her back. Dia was frozen in place as she stared at Yō.

“What are you doing, Yō?” Kanan asked as she struggled to keep Yō still.

“She and her family are the ones who hurt Maru!” Yō growled, “Let me at her!”

“No. You are not going to hurt her. Back down.” Kanan stated as she tugged Yō into a sitting position.

“Maru?” Dia whispered the name. It didn’t sound familiar at all to her.

“You know where that cursed witch is? Tell us now!” One of the guards demanded as he held a sword at Kanan.

“Lower your weapon.” Dia ordered.

The guard let out a growl, but lowered his sword.

“Leave us.” Dia ordered him and the other guards around.

“But, Princess, that wolf threatened to kill you.” One of the guards complained.

“I’ll be fine.” Dia states, “Now go.”

The guards left the three of them alone. Dia hesitantly took a seat nearby.

“I know who you’re talking about now.” Dia spoke to Yō, “I didn’t harm her.”

“You did! Your entire family did!” Yō argued as she tried to stand up again. She wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth into Dia’s neck and kill her. Kanan kept her in place.

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