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Noah's surprise party was certainly extravagant, to say the least.

It seemed as if all the stops had been pulled for this gathering; the pack house garden was decked to the nines with balloons, fairy lights and bunting. Xavier was a bundle of nerves, which I found pretty cute. He was buzzing around trying to make sure everything was perfect for his best friend's big surprise.

"Everyone get into position! He'll be here any second!" Xavier's Alpha voice bellowed through the open space, authority dripping from every word. 

I shuffled to his side, awkwardly taking his hand as everyone stared at us. This had been happening since we had first arrived- everything was chaos, so I hadn't met anyone officially yet, but they were certainly curious about me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had hundreds of eyes scrutinising me, which was probably because they were. 

"Where's Noah's mate?" I whispered to him, scanning the area. 

"Gracie? She's just getting ready inside- she's nervous." Xavier replied, "I'll introduce you once Noah's here."

Xavier's head suddenly whipped over to the woods and he began to wave his arms around, signalling that everyone needed to hide- his wolf senses must have picked up a sound that I couldn't. He pulled me under a table with him, almost tugging my damn arm out of my socket in the process. 

Hundreds of people rushed around the garden, finding places to hide. Most of them rushed inside because, despite the garden being massive, there wasn't enough hiding spaces outside for the hundreds of people present. The garden went silent once everyone was in place and I held my breath, everyone waiting for Noah to appear.

"Why the hell is the pack house quiet for once?" I could hear Noah ask himself, "And what's with the damn balloons?"

I heard several loud bangs and we all jumped out of our hiding places, yelling 'surprise'. The confetti that had just exploded littered the sky as it fell over the unsuspecting victim, blurring my view of Noah with an array of rainbows. 

"It's not my birthday, guys! You've got the wrong day... How embarrassing for you." Noah chuckled, shaking his head to get rid of some of the confetti. 

All of the hustle quietened down and Noah's jaw dropped, his eyes narrowing in on something behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and my heart melted at the sight. A woman dressed in a white flowing dress- who I presumed was Gracie- was stood just behind Xavier and I, holding a pregnancy test out towards Noah.

As sweet as it was, all I could think about was that she had pissed on that thing. 

Noah's eyes began to water and he rushed forwards, scooping his mate up into his arms and spinning her around. It was clear for anyone to see that Noah loved Gracie more than anything on earth by his reaction- he had happy tears streaming down both cheeks now, which were pressed up against Gracie's. Their tears blended together, making the whole thing seem a bit too private for an outsider like me to be present. 

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Noah whooped, kissing Gracie's face all over.

Xavier squeezed my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts. He ducked down, whispering in my ear that he had to address the pack a second. It was nice of him to warn me before I suddenly had four hundred eyes on me.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank Noah and Gracie for being the best Beta pair that I could ever ask for. They're both so reliable and hardworking, so I know you're going to make excellent parents. I speak on behalf of the whole pack when I say good luck and we're here with you every step of the way." Xavier's voice boomed.

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