Chapter 4: Luke?

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A/N: so there's an edit if mine off to the side bc why not?

Also, double update bc you guys rock!

Can we try to get 5 votes on this chapter? Pleeeease? Thank you!

Anyway, enjoy!

chapter 4

I wasn't able to sleep last night, either. My nightmares are getting worse.

As soon as we got into the concert, we shoved our way to our spots.

Girls were squealing and talking excitedly everywhere. Their parents looked extremely bored. The opening bands were local, and I knew quite a few of them. I zoned out and scrolled through my Twitter on my phone.

"Oh, it's starting, Alyssa!" Rhyen whispers. A hush falls over the crowd, but it doesn't last long. As soon as the first band member walks out, the entire crowd explodes in screams and whistles.

"I love you, Ashton!" One girl screams. Ashton smiles, and his dimples appear on the sides of his mouth.

Aw, he's cute.

His curly, dirty-blonde hair sits perfectly on his head, giving him a kind of boyish look.

The next band member walks out, and he has bright blue hair.

"That's Mikey." Rhyen whispers to me excitedly. A ton of girls on my right scream for Mikey. He waves in our general direction, smiling.

He seems pretty nice.

Two more boys walk out, one with blonde hair and the other with black hair.

Everyone's screaming now, so I join in.

Ashton takes his place at the drums, and Mikey readjusts his guitar strap. The dark-haired boy has a bass, and the blonde has another guitar.

"Hey everyone, we're Five Seconds of Summer!" The dark-haired boy shouts. "For our first song, we'll be playing Disconnected."

The screaming starts again.

Mikey starts playing his guitar, and Ashton starts beating his drums.

"Sing along!" The blonde shouts. The boys all begin singing the intro, which is just a bunch of 'oh's.

"Life's a tangled web of cellphone calls and hashtag 'I don't knows'." The blonde boy begins.

"And you, you're so caught up

In all the blinking lights and dial tones.

I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system, too.

But I find my sweet escape when I'm alone with you.

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps

Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen." He sings. Why does his voice sound familiar?

"I like the summer rain,

I like the sounds you make.

We put the world away

We get so disconnected.

You are my getaway

You are my favorite place.

We put the world away

We get so disconnected." They all sing.

They sing the intro again, and Rhyen squeals. "Now Calum sings!"

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