Chapter 3

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"... I love you too..."

"Now then..." he pulled his head back from your neck and began. "Your room will take some time to fix, in the meantime you can stay in my room. Since all the other rooms won't be up to standard for you" wait what? "Hmm? Why do you look so shocked? Who else were you expecting to sleep with huh?" He asked, clearly still upset about what had happened. "How about no-" you quickly slapped your hand to your face, you didn't want to add fuel to the fire. "I-I mean... no one Giorno caro..."
You replied, cringing at the fact you had to say dear.

You looked at his face, damn it... of course he heard that. "It seems your forgetting that I own this place, and your living in it. It is only right for me to decide where your going to stay" Giorno lifted his chin up and gazed down- or more like gaze up since you are taller then him. 'Ya think I want to be here? If I had the chance again to leave this place, I would absolutely do it' you thought, your eyes averting down.

The corners of your lips twitched, you were trying to suppress the chuckle that dared to escape when you saw him looking up. 'Cute- Wait what the hell y/n?! Stop it stop it! Darn it! My only weakness...' your eyes trailed to the side. "Do you... want me to get a stool or something?" You had said out loud. Hold on... did You just said that? You didn't imagine that? a  tender laugh came from behind.

The two of them looked behind as they were met with a teary eyed Narancia. "Oh god...! That was amazing! This is pure gold" he shouted, clutching his stomach as he laughed even louder. "Yeah Giorno! Your so short!" He pointed at him.

"Oh yeah? Well your even shorter Narancia!"

Another yell came from outside the room, Mista held his throbbing head as he entered. "You probably can't even reach my nipple height!" He claimed, "What did you say Mista?! I'm not short! I used to be 5'11 too y'know!" Narancia stormed towards Mista. Mista paused "What??? That's impossible! Is your brain as small as your height too?" He snorted.

There was this awkwardness that filled between you, Giorno and Mista, Narancia. While the two of them were bickering back and forth, you and Giorno silently looked at each other. One of the things you had in common with Giorno was that you both can't stand pointless bickering like this.

"Can we go?" You leaned towards Giorno and he nodded. You felt another warmth slipped against your hands. You jolted, you were still uncomfortable with him after what had happened. But you knew you couldn't refuse this, you didn't want to be petty and make him angry once again.

Suddenly, a strong feeling of helplessness stuffed your mind. As if you were stuck in a spiders web, doing all you can do to escape, but inevitably fail. Oh how much you loathed this feeling.

"Let's go to the garden. You haven't been there right? Well you'll love it there"

Time skip~

Y/n and Giorno arrived at the garden, gracefully named Eden. All of the flowers there were all handpicked by Giorno, all perfectly compliment each other. The scenery was for sure aesthetically pleasing to anyone who even glances at it.

For normal people, it would've calmed their nerves down. But for y/n, it was quite the opposite. She felt uneasy around the garden, like she was being watched. Not by Giorno but by someone else. Y/n didn't realize but Giorno plucked a flower from the garden and bought it up to her face. The sudden touch made her yelp. Giorno payed no mind and proceeded to place the flower on her hair.

Y/n bit her lip, she didn't want to tell Giorno that she recently found out that...

She was allergic to flowers

And at that moment, a loud sneeze came from y/n. "Hey Giorno-*sneeze *sneeze I'd hate to break- *sneeze it to you but *S N E E Z E I'm allergic to flowers"



The h/c girl's sneezes were all Giorno could hear. "W-wait you never had an allergy to anything" he said in utter confusion, "Yeah I just discovered *sneeze that recently" she wiped her nose as she slowly removes the flower away from her. "I could still admire them, I just can't be too near them" she explained. The stinging in her eyes went away and she rubbed them for the last time.

"Kinda sad though, I loved flowers. My dreams of being a gardener, s h a t t e r e d" she dramatically put a hand on her heart as her eyes showed a hint of pain. "That's fine, I like Golden experience's flowers on you anyway" he suddenly blurted out. "Whatdycha say?" Y/n put a hand on her ear. Giorno giggled, "Nothing~lets go to my room then" he grabbed her hand again and left the garden.

They entered Giorno's room, and y/n flinched as she saw portraits upon portraits of her. Most were pictures she had no idea were taken. And others were her and Giorno together. Let's see... one from school, the cafe, the aquarium, her home, the park, and sleepovers.

However, something stood out. Giorno's signature smile when y/n was around him. Y/n almost let out a sigh, as her head began to spilt. The pictures were giving her a headache. She couldn't focus on her breathing properly, 'Come on y/n this is like the only thing you could do properly in your life. Inhale and exhale'

"Are you... Doing okay?" Giorno questioned, his hand reached your forehead and felt its warmth. "You feel warm... Is there something bothering you?" His eyebrows furrowed, he couldn't read the expression on your face. "No nothing at all... I'm fine, I'm doing just great" she waved him off, taking a seat on the bed and massaged her temples.

"Just a stupid headache that's all"

Now it was just weird, before she thought the cause of her headache was the portraits, but right now it wasn't. It felt like she was slowly loosing her energy, she took in deep breaths and repeated the action. "That was a lie... I feel sick" her face burnt bright red and y/n's vision started getting blurry.

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!? Y/N?!"

Giorno's voice became disoriented, y/n was not able to make out what he was saying anymore.

Just then, a loud ringing sound shot through her ears. It was annoyingly loud and irritating. It added to your already in pained state as Giorno yelled out


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