The man who had the world

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"Th-there's no way..."

"Polnareff? Polnareff? Are you okay?" The turtle shook his head. "Are-are you saying... Th-that... That dysfunctional lunatic is your father Giorno? N-no! Thi-this can't be... Prove it! Right here right now! Show me your birthmark!" Shouted Polnareff, his voice wavering from time to time. It's was as if he didn't want Giorno to be related to him, but deep down he knows. "Polnareff calm down- "just do what he says Giorno" Y/n placed a comforting hand on his shoulder where his birthmark was. "I have a feeling you really need to listen to him"

Giorno nodded hesitantly, cold and anxious sweat dripping from his face. His hands reached the collar of his black suit, and pulled it down

Same place, same shape, same colour. Polnareff's mouth was left hanging, his eyes glistened and his hearing blurred. Giorno's hair was already messed up from his previous head banging from earlier, he awaited for Polnareff's reaction.


"Yes... that is his name. Dio Brando" Giorno answered quietly, he glanced at Y/n as she inwardly thought, I have a feeling this story has something to do with my family as well, and I gotta calm Polnareff down

"Like I said, Giorno...Isn't really that much of a bad person... And... I think you know that already signor Polnareff. So what ever his father did, I'm sure... Or at least I hope he won't-

"I know that! Okay? I know... It-it's just that... He-he's done a lot... and I can't help but remember what he's done...I'm sorry I probably sound so stupid right now..."

Y/n closed her mouth, but soon opened it again and spoke softly. "Polnareff... it's all completely fine... and I don't think you should remember it alone either. You said my father was friend with you, no? I'm guessing that he was with you as well during those times. Or some other friends. What I'm trying to say is that, we're gone get in contact with the foundation and work things out. Then you could tell us all about Giorno's father, when you're comfortable that is..."

"And Giorno fix your suit, your nipple is about to slip. Don't want that in the news, 'Don of Passione, flashes bosom in front of 18 year old teen, and turtle!' Ha" she threw up air quotes of sarcasm. Giorno's eyes widened, he quickly fixed his suit. A hint of a blush on his faces while doing so.

Y/n chuckled, running her fingers through her hair. "Still a child..." she mutters. Giorno cleared up his throat, "We'll contact the speedwagon immediately" he glances at Bucciarati and said man nodded.

He then proceeds to dial a number and it rings through the silent room.

"Hello? This is the Speedwagon foundation, how may I help?"

Bucciarati handed the phone over to the h/c girl unexpectedly. Giorno snapped his head to Bucciarati, "Bucciarati?! How could you-

"Shut up Giorno!" She hissed and then change to a smile as she began speaking to the man over the phone. "Hello good morning to you singor, I would like to talk to a man named Caesar Zeppeli" Y/n got straight to the point.

"...What business do you have with him? Are you a relative? Or perhaps a Joestar?"

"Oh, well you see. I'm kind of his legitimate daughter..."

She gulped loudly, "What's happening? I can't hear" Giorno tried it evesdrop by putting his ear close to y/n's face.

"Why... why am I not surprised? *sigh* moving on, please state your name"

"Y/n... y/n l/n"

"Uh huh... y/n l/n. And where do you live? Caesar would probably prefer to visit you instead of the opposite"

"Uhhh... where do I live..."

Bucciarati whispered the answer "Oh! Palazzo di conquista"

"Oh... Mhmmm... Okay... When are you available to visit?"

"You can visit tomorrow if you'd like"

"Great! Then it's all settled. See you then Miss l/n"

"Wait! I never really got your name...?"

"It's Mark! Your father used to be my wingman! He's one hell of a lady's man"

"Is that so? Good to know. See you tomorrow Mark!"

Mark said a quick goodbye then hanged up. Y/n let out a huge hefty sigh of relief. "Good grief..."

"How'd it go?" Polnareff inquired, "Great. They're coming tomorrow. God I really need to blow of some steam... If you need me, and I wish you won't, I'll be at the piano" Y/n left, making Giorno upset at her sudden leave.

Meanwhile, y/n was playing aggressively at the piano. She was really stressed, due to the fact that she'll finally meet her father after 18 years, she was worried of what he would think do her. Was he going to hate her? Oh she hopes not. Will he be a good father? Ahhh y/n... you gotta stop worrying. What will happen... will happen.

Later that night

Y/n came out from the shower, she then out on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. She then began drying her hair, although it went faster then expected and then she proceeded to lie on the shared bed. Countless of thoughts raced in her head, but soon to stop as the sound of the door clicked open rang through the silent room. It was Giorno, he yawned as he stared the girl. He noticed the towel on the bed and thought to him self I'm going to need to shower too...

Knowing very well that y/n won't care if he told her, he took a new towel and headed to the bathroom.

Half an hour had passed and he was back, this time with large shirt covering his under garments. He dried his hair with a towel, however it took longer then when y/n was drying her own hair. After a few minutes, he sat on the other side of the bed. Bitting his lip, his eyes glanced at y/n. "You're here early..."

"Yeah... Bucciarati told me that I should go to bed early and he would take care of the work that's left" Giorno answered, y/n hummed in response. He sneaked into the bed under the sheets, right now... Giorno really just wants a hug. He's almost reaching his limit and needs human affection, specifically to the person who took his heart.

He curled up into a fetal position, his knees against his chest as he slightly trembled.

"Don't you hate me...?"

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now