It just had to be you again

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No answers, I guess I'm the only one who could here that. "Okay then" I rolled my eyes as I began muttering stuff in English. "Hey is y/n okay? Should we call an exorcist?" Mista mumbled to Giorno. "She's just... being y/n I'm sure she's fine" He turns to me as he began reading my face. Trying to figure out what what in the world I could be thinking. "Hey y/n what's that thing on your cheek?" Narancia asks me. "Hmm? This thing? Oh it's just a birthmark" I shrugged, not really thinking of it.

"Hmm... actually I do wonder what he's been up to..."

After breakfast, Giorno goes back to work, the others also go back to their missions they've been given, and y/n is at the garden.

You flipped another page, you were bored out of your mind. Taking a sip of wine, you side glanced at the flowers. The reason why you were here? Was because you wanted to check something out, the last time you were here, you felt a strange presence. Deciding to find out why you felt this way, you pretended to read a book and observe.

"Pssttttt! Psstttttttt!"

"Who's there?!" You snapped your head to where you thought the direction of the voice was, a male with sun kissed skin put a finger on your lip. "Shhhhh don't be too loud n/n, we don't want Giorno to find out I'm here, it's me Xavier. Don't tell me you forgot about me"

You got taken a back, it's really Xavier. But more over, what is he doing here?

"Xavier what in the hell are doing here?!" You whisper yelled. "I'm here to save you from the brat! You're not going to believe what I did" wait wait wait wait what??? "Ahhhhh Crap... what the heck did you do?" This was not good, not good at all... "Hehe... Come closer" he urged, and you obliged. "I spilled his secret, now everyone knows he's 16 and not actually Italian. You know what that means right n/n? His days as a don are over" You shoved him immediately, "Xavier what the hell?! Are you on drugs or something?! Why would you do that?"

"What do you mean? I did it for you. He kidnapped you for gods sake! Can't you get it through your brain y/n?! The kids a (bleeping) psycho, I wouldn't be shocked if the kid has a mental illness or some sh-



"Oh I see... you're taking his side now are ya?! Fine! Do whatever the hell you want then smart ass. I'm actually glad your mutt died" Xavier spat, "What did you say?" Your voice came out shaky, "Tch, your dog died you idiot. I run the mutt over" he rolled his eyes in a cocky manner, putting his hands on his hips.

"Xavier I swear to god if this is a joke I will- "it's not" he replied, cutting you off. Your fist curled up, trembling in sudden angry adrenaline. Fists charged up with hamon, it launched straight to his cheek and sent him flying towards the bed of flowers.

He went down in a crash... "You... y-you fricking (bleep)"

"You have no right to call me that you scum..." you turned your head, gazing to the ground. "It just had to be you again..."

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now