I should be asking you that (part 3)

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(Thank you so much for 4kI love you all so much)


The blonde slowly turned to look at her, a bitter smile adorned his face as he barely manages to say something. "Oh my god... Giorno!" She dashed to his side and quickly took out her jacket.

Hurriedly draping the jacket over his shoulders, "What happened?! Where are your cloths? How did you get stuck here?" She asked, but soon came into the realization that he's probably dying from the cold. Strands of his hair were frozen and his lips were purple. Deathly pale, she wrapped her arms around his slim waist. Lifting up the boy with ease, "Answer those questions later" Y/n breathed. Dashing out of the shower room and soon dashed through the halls.

The problem is, Giorno is to cold to really pay attention to his surrounding. His body inching towards Y/n's to get her warmth. "Giorno amico, you gotta tell me where your floor is" Y/n urged, Giorno shook his head. Y/n confused, asked him another question "Is your roommate in your room? Or do you have any keys to your room?" He shook his head again, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

She reached the door exiting out of the pool room to the hotel, making her way onto the elevator.

Only to find it was out both elevators were out of service

Y/n grunted in annoyance, mumbling a 'hold on' to Giorno. She was going to have to take the stairs. 4 floors up.

TiMe SkIp~

She reached your door, shuffling around her pockets while holding Giorno with one hand. Inside the hotel was warm, and she felt that he was already warming up. Taking out the keys to your room, you unlocked it. Xavier was gone because he was the first to go to Britney's party, who holds parties in the local seniors centre anyway

The door creaked open, revealing the mess of the room that Xavier left when he was trying to find what to wear. She groaned, closing the door with her foot with a thud. "Giorno are you doing fine now?" She whispered oh so softly into his ears.


Giorno nuzzles into the crook of her neck, and with his hoarse voice he says "Yes, I'm doing fine now" Y/n smiles "Do you wanna change into cloths and we can talk about this? You can get Xavier's cloths or mine if you'd like, whatever you're comfortable with okay?" Her gentle and low voice sends shivers down his spine, she was so soft spoken. Arms letting go of the blonde, and letting his fragile legs stand on their own. Y/n turns around to face the other way, she didn't want to invade his privacy.

Giorno let's Y/n's coat slip form his not is braid shoulders, his towel that barely kept him warm fell down to the ground as well. Kicking Xavier's cloths away from his way he looked around the world, "Y/n where are yours?" He asked, "O-oh I umm my luggage is inside the closet" She replied with a cough at the end. Giorno hummed in response, making his way to the closet and talking whatever he could find, oh yeah underwear. Meh I guess he'll take one of Xavier's, and maybe burn it later just for funsies. He never really knew, but he hated him from the very start. Ever since he entered Y/n's life he... well he gave off the wrong vibes.

He grabbed his underwear and took Y/n's sweatpants that are slightly big on him and a huge shirt, he sniffed on the scent of freshness the cloths and on them. And turned to face Y/n's back, her hands ran through her hair and yawned as she waited. Taking a step forward, his legs led him to her standing figure, he leaned towards her waist and wrapped his arms.

"I'm so sorry..."

Y/n gasped, her heart quickened as the place got really warm. "For taking you for granted, but please? Don't leave me alone again..." the boy pleaded with a crack in his voice. Both of them had this comforting fuzzy warm feeling inside of them. Y/n was silent, she grab a hold of his hands and turned around, she pulled him into a tight embrace.

Humans act different at times when they are overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed with different types of emotions, love, anger, sadness, and maybe even awkwardness. In these types of situations, humans tend to say and do things that they may or may not regret later on. Perhaps without thinking, on a whim these humans make these choices in a flash, it just comes out of their mouths just like that. At any given time or place, they only speak what feels like should be said now. Rarely do they think of after. What might happen after you say this? What may happen after you do this? Do your feelings really matter now?

"of course I won't"

(Heheheheheheeheheheheheeh hi guys this chapter is realllyyyyyyyy late but I had like 20+ missing assignments I haven't done yet and I was procrastinating on it but I also got really anxious when I don't do it so it's like this cycle of not wanting to do it but feeling really bad when I don't so yeah here you go I'm sorry for leaving y'all in a cliffhanger but uefyhhdgbdbfd bye see you next week...or not)

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