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THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K READS! Don't forget to vote and follow for more stories I'm going to write, I have a part 5 x reader that I've been working on since the beginning of quarantine in my other Wattpad account that I might post here (if I feel like it's good enough) anyway enjoy!

It was the next day, and you were quite busy. You didn't had any sleep that night, you were turning from left to right, and expectedly, Giorno noticed. He basically bear hugged you with an iron grip, and he's probably stressed, so you let him. And you know damn well that man slept like a baby, the guy even snored. Honestly it made you jealous, how can someone be so stressed but sleep so peacefully.

(Maybe it's just the person beside them that makes them sleep peacefully)

But anyways, you were on your way to Giorno's office again. This time with some chocolate pudding in your hand, you thought that if you were going to convince this guy, you might as well go buddy buddy with him.

Knock knock knock

"It's me"

You opened the door and made your grand entrance. Unknowing to you, you were making a very dramatic pose with the pudding. Almost as if you were here to save the day. There he was, practically slumped over his desk smashing his head on the it. "Huh?" You were worried, he never acted like this, well except for that time his art project was over due. You slowly approached with the pudding in hand,"Heyyyyy....You look great...? How you doing?" You greeted with nervous sweat dripping from your face. "What? Are you here to to insult me like everyone else in the world? Are you going to tell me how much you hate me? Are you going tell me how incorrect I am to try and put an end to the drug trade huh huh?" Giorno not bothering to look up to you said, his voice came out as shaky which increased your worry. "Talk to someone you don't dislike talking to, maybe Narancia or someone else, I don't want to hear anymore negative stuff from anyone, especially if it's you"

You scoffed "You're such a gloomy kid" all of the  sudden he started trembling "Wh-whoah there...! Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" You inched towards the shivering boy, just slightly touch his head made him flinch. "Hey shhhh... why are you trembling so much? Come here" your hands reached his pale skin and you lightly caressed it. "I'm not going to hit or hurt you again I promise..." you, not knowing if you could keep that promise, tried to assure Giorno. You don't really have a clue why he was trembling all of the sudden, but you'll guess for now.

"Listen buddy... d-damn it... I-I really hate to admit this, but you're a great guy. Excluding that fact you kidnapped me, you killed people, you've done a lot of bad stuff. However, what you're doing right now is good. Stopping the drug trade, changing the mafia to a good and more just ideal. It's amazing! You are so young yet you're already doing so much. And I don't hate you, as much as I hate the to acknowledge that I can't hate you even if I try, as much as I said how much I want to leave you, as much as I said that you're annoying. I....love you. Okay...?"

You watched as his turquoise eyes bore into yours. There was no need for him to answer, his actions were enough. His hands reached yours and his arms snaked around your waist. "I have some chocolate pudding. Do you want?"

His eyes darting at the chocolate pudding

"Is... is for me?"

He made pouty lips which made your heard skip a beat

You sighed but soon chuckled, taking the pudding and using the tiny spoon and feed the poor blonde boy. "Ahhhh" you were taken a back, gosh okay...

From the corner of your eye, you saw the turtle looking intensely at you. Giving him a curt nod, you put your focus back on feeding Giorno. "So what happened?" you asked breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. "Stwess fwom work" he answered. "Hm. You didn't ate breakfast today did you?" You continued, with an eyebrow up. He gulped down the pudding down his throat "No..."

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now