I should be asking you that(final part)

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(Hey guys it's been like more then a month and I decided to continue this fic, the support was so overwhelming and I loved ever comment you guys put in this, I'll be writing it on my phone since it's the only device with this account on it since i forgot the password to this account. My writing styles have changed and so have I. I honestly don't know what I was thinking with this fic but I'll try my best on it. There might be some spelling errors.)

"Of course of I won't"

(That's what she said)

Giorno gave a huge grin, she was so warm. There were butterfly's in his stomach and his heart fluttered, he was so absorbed with her whole being he forgets about everything in the world. It was as if time stoped and it was only the two of them. That's what Giorno liked, only the two of them, without any distractions. Just him and his future lover.

Giorno really wants her to keep that promise, but knowing her and being also human. There's no way in hell she's going to fulfil that promise whole heartedly.

The two stood and engulfed each other's presence. "Now, let's get your hair dried" she smiles at the young boy.

Time skip

The two of them just spent 2 hours talking to each other, acting like what happen a few hours ago didn't happen. Until Y/n mentioned it, "By the way, who do you think did that to you? I know you have people against you but I don't think they would go that far." She says. "Oh..." Giorno pauses. "Actually, you might know this person" his bright emerald eyes burning holes onto her own eyes. "Yes...?" She says confusingly. "I know that we haven't been talking to each other a lot these past months. I know you love and trust your friends a lot, however-

"You think it's one of them?"

"...well yes"

"Well now that you said, yeah it might be one of them. Most likely Xavier..." she lets out a tired sigh. "I should've known. I mean dude, he literally despises you."

"The feelings are mutual" Giorno says, "But why? You guys never even talked to each other." She scratched her head in confusion. "Seriously? It was so obvious that he likes you, that's why I hated him from the beginning. And it's probably the same for him." Giorno stated in shock, I mean it was so so painfully obvious. "Oh, ew. Xavier, that jackass has a crush on me? Well it's not that shocking but that's just such a dumb reason to hate each other." Y/n let's out a loud chuckle. "What would you do if someone you knew had a crush on your crush huh?" Giorno says defensively. "Well it has happened before. So we would talk about him together." Y/n replied. "What person would do that- wait it happened before?" He quickly asked. "Yeah but that was ages ago" she waved it off. "Besides he rejected me" she lets out another loud chuckle. "But I'm over it wayyy over it"


"But who was it" He inquired, "You wouldn't know him, but he's really cute, smart, and shy. And man he had money- not that it matters though. Me, Alexa, and her cousin all had a crush on him." She twirls a strand of hair on his hair, "I thought Alexa was dating Matthew?"

"That was before. I told you it was quite a long time ago, I was like 14 and he was 13." Y/n says. Giorno hums in response, "So what're you gonna do with Xavier?" Giorno quietly asks. "What do you want me to do?" Y/n asked back. "Well if you want me to answer truthfully. I say you never talk to him again" he innocently smiles. That made Y/n chuckle, "Whatever you say boss"

"Wait really?" His eyes lit up. "I mean yeah, after what he did? Sure. I mean I was kinda rude to you too but not in his level. Besides you became a total ass too so we're even." She gives him a sincere smile, putting out a hand to shake. He quickly accepted it and smiled. "Yeah... we're even"

A few minutes later

Xavier arrived back at his shared room with Y/n, he was a bit tipsy from the drinks but he could still manage. He opens the room only to find his worse enemy. That blonde %!+€# Giorno Gioyoucouldkissmyass. Y/n was the first to speak up, "Hey, we have some things to talk about" he saw as that Giovanna sticks out his tongue form behind Y/n in a triumphant way.

And so Y/n gave Xavier a real lesson. And at the end Giorno Gioyoucoulfkissmyass had won. This day will forever haunt Xavier, and this day would still make Y/n regret what she did to Giorno and regret ever saving his frozen butt from the shower room.

Final chapter of I should me asking you that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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