Chapter 2

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A deep sigh escaped Giorno's lips. "No y/n" "UUHHHH YES Y/N" she snapped her head towards him and yelled ""

"No. Because your going to run away again. And you know that I just want the best for you because I lov-

"Yeah yeah yeah. That's the whole point mR.oBvIuOs! What do ya think I was going to do? Go back to that big stupid mansion? Use that brain of yours Giorno. Think! Do you honestly think I was happy there? I was stuck in that room for weeks, like the whole world has a disease that has no cure! I'm not going to be stuck there with you anymore Giorno. What about my family huh? WHAT ABOUT MY DOG GIORNO?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MR.FLUFINGTON?! YOU JUST KIDNAPPED ME AND FORCED ME TO STAY IN THAT SHRHDHSHBDBDHDHSB-

Bucciarati zipped her mouth closed and her eyes widened in surprise as she sent a nasty look at the blue eyed gentleman. "I'm sorry for doing this miss. But we would really like for you to stay silent while we take you back to your home." He politely interrupted her rant, his voice never failing to sound calm. "Hmmm?! Whifbajhdvrv dhumsbbab w svhjabsbabskmho irmanskdikslrbjrjdbr dkendbjwbebwjdbsbsjjrhehshs (What in the unholy ravioli did you just said?! Home? I'm gonna kill your for this you stupid Karen-haired lesbian-looking homo motherbutthole!)

(I have nothing against the LGBTQ community)

In the meantime, Bucciarati un-zipped her legs and arms to prevent her from running away. 'What in the actual hell?!' She squirmed, as she glanced at her own arms and legs that eerily were not attached to her.

Giorno's hands reached y/n's body, or what's left of it and carried her. His left hand reached her waist and his right on her back. Her face went red, of anger and of embarrassment. 'My pride... oh my sweet, sweet, pride'

While Narancia took her arms and legs. Abbacchio could feel the embarrassment radiating from y/n, and he patted y/n's head gently. "Abbacchio?!" Giorno stepped away from him and silently glared. "Tch, brat" Abbacchio clicked his tongue and walked to the limousine first. "Dhmm rgjbi hmm ish (Damn right he is)"

"Let's just go Giorno" Bucciarati sighed. "Yeah" he quietly made his way to the limousine outside her old house. Once he reached inside, he sat y/n down on his lap. He faces her body towards him and caressed her back. 'After I get my arms and legs back. I'm going to bloody murder this man' y/n thought rolling her eyes as she looks away from his burning gaze.

Never before in her life has she ever wanted to right out disappear. Well except for the time she pooped in class in kindergarten. And the time she asked out her crush in fourth grade and got rejected- okay there are many times, and right now is one of them.

"We've arrived back home Don" the driver informed. "Thank you, now let's get going. Shall we y/n?"  He asked the h/c girl. 'What a scumbag, I can't talk idiot' y/n thought. And since she can't talk, she didn't bothered to respond. But that seemed to make Giorno somewhat happy. When people just follow through what he asks them to do and when people respond when he wants them to do so. Usually, if he would ask y/n that question. She would respond with a no. But when she stays silent like this, it's quite pleasing knowing she can't disagree. "Thats the response I wanted to hear" he grinned, his smile was so wide it looked unnatural. Y/n shivered at this, 'This kid is seriously giving me the chills' y/n nodded, trying to get on his good side once again.

They arrived back at the mansion and the maids greeted them. Giorno smiled but in the other hand y/n gave them a dirty look. 'I wonder... what it's like for them. When I stay inside my room, what are they thinking when they pass it? Do they even know what their Boss is even doing to a human being right now?' she had thought. While they had entered, y/n didn't realized they were in the house already. "Bucciarati" Giorno called out, his head pointing to y/n. Bucciarati quirked an eyebrow but realized, he walked towards Narancia and gently took y/n's missing body parts. Bucciarati then approached y/n and zipped it back up.


And at this point, y/n was already seething in anger. One of the many things she hates, are when people embarrass her like that. Blinded with rage, her fist curled up and punched the nearest person. Giorno.


Y/n's eyes shot wide, she stared at the blood that stained her hand. But most especially, she stared at Giorno. Y/n knew... she knew that he used to get beaten up when he was little by his father. She even witnessed it once. The guilt filled her stomach, and she backed away. "I-I'm going to my room" she whipped her head away and ran to her room. Heading straight to the bathroom and locking it.

She hyperventilated, every ragged breath seemed to get worse and worse. She gaped at her face in the mirror, seeing how disheveled her appearance was. Opening the faucet, she washed the blood away. But in her eyes, it seemed to stay. Y/n sniffled, the tears began to well up in her eyes, "Damn it y/n! Why do you have to be so... stupid" she slapped water onto her face and  gazed down at the ground. Falling on her knees, she huddled up in the ground.


"Hey... uh I forget your name- but anyways, can you come out" A childish male voice spoke softly. Y/n stayed silent. "Oh come on! Don't stay silent man! Just come out." He urged, knocking on the door once again. "I would really hate to break down the door here!" He shook the door handle, at first it started off as lightly. However it started becoming more and more harsh. "Leave me alone... leave me alone... leave me alone... leave me alone... leave me alone... leave me alone... leave me alone..." she mumbled. Narancia flinched, "Hey... Listen... I don't know what's in between you and Giorno. But whatever you did isn't such a big deal you probably think it is..." Narancia's voice changed to a more tenderly one.

The door creaked open, and Narancia was met with a messy y/n. "You're right. It's probably not a big deal. I'll go apologize now, thanks man" Y/n thanked Narancia, "Wa-wait! I didn't got your name..." he suddenly fumbled with his fingers. "Uhh it's y/n. And yours?" She asked, putting a hand out, and then suddenly. Y/n had slipped and Narancia took her hand before she actually falls into the ground "woah there! The names Narnacia" he smiled, and it seemed to comfort y/n. That smile wasn't like the one Giorno has, that weird and creepy smile that was so freakishly wide. It makes her so uncomfortable whenever he would be around her. Before y/n had thought it was just a 'cute' quirk of his. But it turned out to be even more unpleasant, he would only ever smile like that around her. In photos, going to get some gelato. There were countless of times. Smiles are supposed to be comforting, like Narancia's.

Y/n POV...You reached his other hand to be pulled up, but you were interrupted by a certain blonde male. "Y/n? Narancia? What are you doing?" He demanded to know, you recongized that glint in his eyes. Messy hair? A male and female alone in one room? Kneeling? Why wouldn't Giorno think about is? "Nothing" you immediately answered, taking your hand back and standing up on your own "..." his stare lingered to the male behind you and turned to you. "Hey hey... Giorno... I'm sorry I hit you, I-I was just angry" you explained to him with a hint of worry for Narancia and herself. 'I gotta keep Narancia safe'

"Is that so?"

"Y-yes" you  responded. A feeling of another humans touch reached your cheek, you winced. Your stomach dropped, and your heart began racing. "I'm not talking about that. What were you actually doing here?" He repeated. You slowly looked at Giorno with fear, those eyes... Those eyes were the real reason why you desperately wanted to leave this place. Those eyes full of malice and authority, it felt as if you were facing a giant wall that you couldn't pass through. And in that moment, the two years you had over Giorno where merely ants. All the things you used to think of him fade to dust. This was a new Giorno, a Giorno you can't neglect, a Giorno you can't trust, a Giorno you can't escape from.

You gulped down the lump in your throat and you held your breath, his presence was overwhelming. A shaky hand reached his own, "D-Do you not trust me?" you tried to reason, Giorno felt your trembling figure and grinned from ear to ear. "Trust? Really amore? How could I trust you after you left me like that?" He asked, his face inching towards your's. Your body cowered down, Giorno was now the one looking down at her. "I... I won't leave again..." you whispered, another smile crept on his smile.

His rose coloured lips reached your lips and they met. "I love you" he claimed, his calloused but somehow soft hands snaked across your waist and his head rested on the crook of your neck. He remained silent for a few seconds, obviously waiting for a response.

"... I love you too..."

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now