The gang telling stories

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"Y'all see this?"

When I turned, I expected to see people, however there was no one. I figured that they left already when Giorno entered his room. So then, I turned to Giorno, "Ummmm... Yeah that happens sometimes but like I don't know why...?" I shrugged. Giorno looked serious, his stare seemed to linger behind me more then me... "hey! Hey! HEY! H E Y! Giorno Giovanna! *groan* MUSH MUSH" he snapped out of his thoughts as he mutters something, but I heard. 'The heck is a stand???'


Giorno's smile blossoms on his face, "Nothing my dear, I think it's time for you to eat isn't amore?" He asks. My eyes rested on his opened chest, he looked skinnier. "Did... Did you get skinnier?" My eyebrows quirked, as I examined his face. "Oh. You noticed? I guess I kinda did..." he scratched his cheek. "Why?" I questioned, almost immediately. "W-what do you mean why?" He stuttered. "Well, you weren't always the extremely buff kid who eats a lot, even so. You always made sure you ate enough to satisfy for a whole day, plus you don't even eat breakfast at all. What happened to you now huh?"

It was true of course, he's a literal mafia boss. What's going to happen if he were to be sick or something? But still, I've took care of him since he was young, it'd be a shame if he would get sick when I'm still with him.

He sighs, pulling back his hair a bit. "You can say I've been stressed lately" Giorno yawned. To be honest, I do feel bad for him. At such a young age he already has so much responsibility to handle, he didn't even got to celebrate his 16 birthday properly. He was forced to mature so quickly and he's also too quick to injure himself no matter the situation. 'Oh it doesn't hurt' 'oh it's fine' bull crap. By now I've heard every single excuse this idiot has.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue. "You're not going to skip breakfast today" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I have a lot to do today- "Nonsense, we'll eat together. Isn't that what you want? The reason you kidnapped me was because you didn't want me to leave your side right? Well I'm actually asking you to eat with me, not you forcing me to eat with you. So what are you going to say Giovanna?" I placed my hands on my hips as I heard Giorno sighed in defeat. "Fine" he rolled his eyes and I ruffled his hair.

"Good answer"


Once we arrived at the dining table, to our surprise Narancia and the others were there also there. Looks like they also hadn't had there breakfast yet ether. "How's it's going Narancia?" I greeted with a smile on my face. I liked him, we were both the same age and he's adorable too so. "Oh! Y/n! I'm doing great, but how are you?" He queried. "Okay for the most part, just forcing Giorno to eat breakfast" I chuckled as I dragged Giorno, who obviously really wants to go back and run his business, to the chair next to me.

The man with a purple lipstick seemed to enjoy seeing Giorno in pain, in which I find interesting. But hey buddy, I'm the only one who can do that. "Greetings Giorno's comrades, I don't think we've formally met? Well excluding Narancia and the guy who I 'accidentally' hit with a metal pole. My name is Y/n L/n, I'm 18 and legal" I winked at the men.

For some bizarre reason, I am quite the flirtatious and charismatic woman. I most definitely did not get it from my mother though, perhaps from my father? But whomever my father was, thank you for gifting me with this blessed curse of being attractive and a magnet for beautiful men. "Can you stop..." Giorno mumbled behind me. I faced him and cupped his cheeks, while smirking devilishly "Awwwww is wittle mush mush jelly~? Wittle mush mush only wants y/n for himself~?"

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now