I should be asking you that (part2)

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(Make sure to read all the previous chapters to understand what's going on, and don't forget to vote! Updates might be really late since I already started school and it's getting really stressful)

Who else in this small world would come looking for me?

Her footsteps echoed through the empty halls, humming along with her music "she's a super freak super freak, she's super freaky yoww!" She was singing the song 'super freak' By Rick James, it was released back in 1981 but Y/n liked the musician so she would blast repeat on this song.

Her voice rebounding through the passage way back to the pool, she didn't know, but it was like fate had bought her here. "She's a very special girl... from her head down to her toenails. Yet she'll wait for me at backstage... with her girlfriends, in a limousine" her singing gradually went from a normal volume to mumbling of the lyrics.

Eyes drifting to the still water that showed her reflection, she touched her cheek, a weird numbing sensation on her birthmark. A weird maternal instinct overcame her, there was someone who needed help but she doesn't know who. Who... who... who...?

Her mind had blank, a roaring earsplitting ringing shot though her eardrums, blocking all other hearing. Y/n reacted instinctively by covering her ears like it would help, vision becoming a blur, a hazy cloud covering all visual perception, throwing her head back in forth. Body trying to shake these feelings out, stumbling every step she took, all the thoughts that raced in her head went into a slur, a jumble of words replacing normal trains of thoughts.

She needed to go puke really bad, stumbling while trying to find a bathroom, her knee hit a large metal dealt that was weirdly... placed near the shower room. "HOLY MOTHER-" she internally screams as she try's to sooth the pain on her knee.

"WHO'S THE IDIOT WHO PUT A DAMN DESK IN FRONT OF THE  MALE SHOWER ROOM?!" She shouts, banging on the desk in anger. She really didn't think twice in doing that, expressing her anger towards the poor now dented desk, "Y/n!" A yell came from somewhere.

Y/n paused, trying to process what happened. "Oh god... This desk fricking talks?! I must be a mad man!" Her eyes widened as she quietly observed the desk, "Y/n I'm i-i-inside the shower room! *cough *cough" the voice seemed hoarse and very tired.

"Wh-who's inside there?" She asked, it was very creepy. She knew for a fact that everyone was at their hotel rooms, but now there's a voice telling her to go inside the washroom ? Weird as hell if you ask her. It's was kind of scary too, "How do you know my name?!" there just might be a crazy lunatic waiting to pounce at her, but then again this desk was barricading the entrance to this door. Y/n took her chances, she pushed the metal desk away, it made a loud screeching sound. After it was pushed away successfully, Y/n yelled ,"Hey voice guy! Where are you! Just so you know if you're trying anything funny, I've gave a guy a ruptured testicle before and I'm not afraid to do it again. I- well... Unless you're a girl" She chuckled, flipping her hair as she confidently pushed the desk away with brute strength. Touching the doorknob only to find out that it was locked.

She clicked her tongue, "Hey! Whoever's in there, can you open the door from the inside, the barricade is gone!"

"*cough *cough* I-I can't..." their voice gradually became weaker, which concerned Y/n. She calmed her breath down, all she needed to do was twist the knob, and keep twisting it till it breaks. Easy? Yeah right... easy.

Y/n had always been physically stronger then the average person, she didn't know why, but she took advantage of that fact. The doorknob snapped off, making a loud clink sound as it dropped on the floor. Y/n kicked the door open, but robot see yet another one of those annoying metal desks. How the hell did someone put those here?!

Y/n's eyes twitched in annoyance. "Oi! I broke the door open, would you mind telling me who you are now before I pull this other metal desk away? I don't want to save some serial killer- errr... if you are one" 

The room was deathly silent, being able to hear the water dripping down, and the teeth chattering of a person. It was fairly cold this winter, Y/n was even able to see her breath in the cold. But it gets especially cold in the showroom, Y/n should know. She was basically showering in freezing water when she was in the woman's washroom. And Y/n was pretty sure that it would be the same for the men's. Her heeled boots clacked through the cold floor, Y/n touched the desk. Preparing herself for another heavy thing to push.


The desk made once again a loud noise when it was pushed, Y/n glanced at the door. She hesitantly knocked, "H-Hello?" the door suddenly opened, it wasn't locked anyway so it creaked itself open to Y/n. 


<------------------- To be continued. 

(Just a quick A/N, I have another book with Bucciarati in my account, I liked the idea I was going through in the book. But I'm not sure if I should continue it or not, so if you guys have free time go ahead and check it out. It only has 1 chapter cus I was unsure to continue it. Make sure to comment on it wether or not I should continue or not. The next chapter  on this book will be either this week or next week, thanks for sticking around and being patient with me. Sincerely your sucky garbage Author) 

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now