I should be asking you that

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There was silence, uncomfortable silence. I could hear my own heartbeat from this hushed room, eyes never drifting off from the female. She shifted her weight in the bed, the sound of her sighing made my heart ache even more.

"How ironic..." She whispered, her voice resonated around the room. "Aren't you the one who says that saying things twice is useless" y/n had said in a scoffing manner, having not the slightest bit of care to turn around. "...I... I Assumed you only said that given the situation" I sighed in a somber way. She hummed in response, shifting once again but not turning.

I curled up even more, my lips quivering, but my eyes refusing to tear up. Until she spoke up "You know... I should be asking you that..."

Flashback... January 1st 2001

Giorno was in second year of high school, and y/n was in her last year. In freshman year, he had enter the same school as Y/n, wanting to keep close and afraid of her forgetting him, he wanted to stay.

Back then, his hair was still the dark silky black hair he had when he was born. However, in October during sophomore year, his hair had magically turned blonde overnight. And just like that, all attention was on Giorno Giovanna... He stuck out like a sour thumb.

The females who used to ignore him had now smother him, the boys who used to tease him when y/n wasn't around were now staying low. It was the time of his life, his fangirls would gift him all sorts of things, and now that the oppressors where off his back, he didn't had to worry one bit. Y/n on the other hand... let's say she was very skeptic on this matter. She didn't believe one bit that his hair had turned blonde overnight.

So like what any ordinary person would suspect, she thought he did it for attention. Y/n was always among the popular kids, like Giorno, boys would be head over heels for her. But she stayed in a 4 person group, consisted of Xavier, Mathew, Alexa, and of course, herself. I guess you could say they were 'the cool kids' all four of them had American blood in them and all spoke English amongst each other. Y/n met Xavier from her mother, Xavier's father is a divorce man and had dated y/n's mother for about a year or so. Xavier and y/n got along well, so they kept in touch even after the break up. Alexa and Mathew were the 'it' couple, although there story... is a bit more bizarre.

Alexa's mother and Mathew's mother got married a few years ago when they were children and they were step siblings, but soon it grew into something more. They started dating secretly and are very touchy when in private.

The moment Giorno started getting attention, Xavier immediately started talking shade about him to y/n. Y/n was not a big fan about it, but she didn't really say. Eventually it led her to think that... Man... Giorno is such an awful person, and it increased even more when he started looking for her less...

Freshman Giorno was different from sophomore Giorno, Freshman Giorno would come running to y/n and started complaining about how he just saw a people do drugs in the male bathroom. Now sophomore Giorno would only meet how up with her once a week, or even once a month, which is a lot less considering how much he would meet up with her before.

In reality, Giorno thought that he didn't really needed y/n anymore. I know I know, it's a shock really. In the past, y/n was the only one who would put attention to him, to care for him, to love him. But now that he got all these people who would pay just to sit next to him? Oh he was for sure in love with that fact, it was very selfish and greedy of him, but it was just the Brando genes that kicked in him. Yeah, Giorno loves y/n and she loves him in a brotherly sense, but all of these other people love him too, not in the brotherly sense.

Yan Giorno x dumb but smart ass readerWhere stories live. Discover now