Chapter 3: Watch Out

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As soon as Adora reached her bedroom she cried herself to sleep. When she woke up she saw Catra sleeping beside her. Adora hugged Catra causing her tail to floof & to wake up.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok!?" Adora asked with her face buried in Catra's back.

"I-I'm fine Adora." Catra said moving so she can face Adora.

"Why are you worried?" Catra said tilting her head.

"B-because your head h-hurt, yesterday a-and you left & I didn't know if I'll ever see you again." Adora said sobbing into Catra's shirt. Catra comforted Adora struggling to remember the past events.

"Well, I'm here now & I'm ok don't worry." Adora nodded slowly her face still dug into Catra's shirt.

"Adora can you move? I have to take a shower." Slowly Adora moved away & wiped away her remaining tears. Catra took advantage of Adora's actions & kissed her before running into the bathroom. Adora's face turned red before recovering her original color. She hopped off the bed & ran towards Glimmer & Bow's room. Once Catra got out of the shower she put her clothes back on & started walking towards the Brightmoon kitchen. Once she stepped inside she was met with a friendly wave from Perfuma.

"Good morning Catra! How was your sleep?" Catra swallowed nervously at her faded memory.

"G-good." Catra stuttered rubbing the back of her neck. Perfuma noticed her discomfort & offered her some meditation that helps with relaxation. Catra politely declined as she scurried away for food. Perfuma waved once more & left. After eating Catra was met with Scorpia in the hallway.

"Hey Wildcat! How are you?" Catra almost jumped at her sudden appearance.

"Fine... you?" Scorpia smiled at her returning the question.

"Great! Perfuma has been giving me meditation sessions! You should come join sometime!"

"Maybe, but don't get your hopes up Scorpia."

"Got it! Got it Wildcat, see you around!" Scorpia chirped before walking off. Catra continued her walk down the hall & before reaching her room Frosta stopped her.

"Hi." Frosta glared at her. Catra gladly returned her deathly stare.

"What do you want." Catra spat at her.

"To check on you." Frosta spat back.

"Since when do you care?" Catra said growling. Frosta flinched at the noise the cat person made but quickly recovered.

"I don't, but Adora does." Catra expression changed as her eyes widened.

"Did Adora tell you to check on me?" When Frosta didn't answer Catra grabbed her puffy sweater.

"Answer the question." Frosta smirked at Catra & froze her hand making Catra stumble back.

"Bye." Frosta said flipped her hair as she turned around & left. Catra smashes her fist against the wall causing the ice to shatter. Catra growled as she slammed the door & walked towards the bed. Catra kept herself preoccupied until she was face to face with Brightmare. Catra was going to scream but the creature put it's shadowy hand on her mouth. Catra realized that she knew the creature & wanted answers.

"Why are you here?" Catra asked removing it's hand.

"To remind you of your task tonight."

"What ta-" Catra stopped at her sudden rememberence.

"Ah I see you remember. Your probably wondering why is that?" Catra nodded.

"When your around me you remeber some portions of what you did with me. When your not around me-"

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