Chapter 14: Busted

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"Heh, Hey Catra," Gimmer said awkwardly smiling. Catra glared at her while She-Ra smirked.

"BUSTED!!" Mermista yelled causing Glimmer to put her hands over her ears.

"Can you not be so loud-"

"HEY EVERYONE!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT QUEEN GLIMMER JUST DID!!!" Mermista & DT yelled running down separate hallways.

"Shit, I'm-"

"You messed up bad if your cursing," She-Ra said smugly as she transformed back. 

"Why are you making a big deal about this."


"Hey hey, calm down Adora," Catra said soothingly. That alone made Adora release her fists.

"Anyway, come with me Sparkles," Catra growled grabbed Glimmer's wrist, leading her towards their bedroom. After walking into her bedroom Catra locked the door as Glimmer sighed.

"Look I know what I did was wrong but why did you lock the door?"

"Listen up Sparkles," The way she said Sparkles had pure venom in it.

"I remember everything & I wan't more than just an apology." Catra said as she started walking towards Glimmer.

"What do you want me to do?!" Glimmer asked taking steps back. Soon enough Catra had Glimmer cornered.

"First go apologize to Adora & get her a gift. Second I have something I would like you to do for me." Catra said grinning at the last sentence causing Glimmer to gulp in fear. While that was happening Mermista & DT told the entire castle what Glimmer did.

"How could she do that?!" Perfuma said.

"Is my Wildcat ok?" Scorpia asked.

"I'm very disappointed in her. We'll have a chat during dinner." Micah said crossing his arms.

"Drama!" Mermista & DT said high-fiving.

"This is gonna be a heckle of a dinner, eh?" Merista said looking at her trouble maker companion.

"Absolutely darling." DT assured before walking off, probably to cause more trouble.


"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"How do you know that?"

"Because you literally said you had feelings for me."

"... right."

"Are you ready?"

"Can I not-"

"Sorry, I don't take no for an answer. You messed up, this is your punishment."


"Fits with the song." Catra said shrugging.

"... do you like this song?"

"Bold of you to assume I do."


"Remember what your supposed to do?"

"Sadly yes. Go out there & sing stupid Yummy in a cupcake costume."

"Great! Now get out there & suffer!"

"And what!?"

"Nothing!" Catra said pushing her out the room.

"BYE!" She said before running off. Glimmer sighed & started to turn on the speaker.

"Fml." She muttered starting the song.

This is the song bt-dubs 

Glimmer then proceeded with her 'mild' punishment & everyone was recording. (Everyone as in DT & Mermista.)

"Am I done?" Glimmer asked taking off the costume.

"Ew, take a shower," Catra said holding her nose.

"This is your fault!" Glimmer half-yelled causing Catra to slam her book on the table & stare into Glimmer's eyes. She took a step towards her causing Glimmer to step back.

"I-I-I meant it's uh my fault! Yeah my fault!" Glimmer replied sweating even more. Catra stopped walking & smiled.

"Correct. Now wash & get ready for your second punishment. It won't be so easy." Catra said winking before she left. Glimmer's face went bright red as she scrambled into the bathroom.

Meanwhile (After Catra left)

"So," Adora started taking a sip of lemonade. 

"How are things with you & Glimmer?"

"Great." The two stayed silent for a bit causing Adora to shift in her seat.

"You," She swallowed as Catra turned to face her.

"You guys aren't... you know," Adora asked getting red. Catra's eyes widened as she stared into Adora eyes.


"Are you saying you don't trust me?" Catra said standing up.

"N-no! That's not what I-"

"Stop. Just... stop." Catra said turning away. DT happened to pass the room & took out their phone.

"Mermista is going to love this." DT said smirking.

"Wait Catra." She turned around & glared at her.

"That's not what I meant," Adora said lightly grabbing her hand.

"Then what did you mean?" She opened her mouth but closed it shortly after.

"Excatly." Catra said pulling her hand away just as red flames engulfed it. She ignored it & walked away leaving a trail of flames after each step.

"Wow." Adora said as she looked at the flames.

"It was at this moment Adora knew-"

"Shut up DT!" 

"Anyways, whens dinner?"

"An hour."

"Marvelous!" DT said before walking off.

Meanwhile (When Glimmer & Catra met up)



"Don't care."

"Yeesh, if there's a possible way for your mood to get worse I'd be impressed." Catra's eyes widened but covered it up with a growl making Glimmer flinch.

"It's not even that bad Sparkles."

"You call explaining what happened to Bow 'not bad'!?"

"Yep. Also, do you have Adora's gift?"

"Yes." Glimmer said, her shoulders sagging. She had got Adora a She-Ra plushie made exclusively by Brightmoon's people.

"She better like it." Glimmer mumbled earning Catra's attention.

"What's that?"


"Wait!" Glimmer stopped & turned around slowly.

"Just so you know Sparkles... dinner is in 30 minutes. You don't want to be late." Catra said before walking out.

Sup Broskies! How are ya'll doin? Forgive me for the song but I needed something! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seeya! Also what did ya think of this chapter? And what would you want to see in the next? Seeya! (For real this time ;)

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