Chapter 8: Useless

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Play at 1:47 when I tell you to.

Brightmare followed the princesses back to Brightmoon secretly. Once they reached the castle the looked up amazing. They quickly snapped out of their daze & snapped their fingers emitting a black cloud around them. When the cloud disappeared they were inside GlimBow's room. Catra's ears flicked at the sound of footsteps. The door opened & closed faster than they'd ever seen. Glimmer sighed & turned around her eyes widening at the sight. Brightmare smiled & held their arm out towards Glimmer. She raised an eyebrow confused until she started to float in the air. She looked around terrified from what's happening.

"What are you doing to me!?" Glimmer squirmed trying to break free.

"You can stop trying now & the answer to your question is you'll find out." Brightmare smiled crazily. Glimmer gulped & prepared for impact but it never came. Brightmare lowered Glimmer & looked at her smugly.

"You... you didn't even do anything!" Glimmer shouted slightly louder than she wanted. Brightmare smiled at her idiocy.

"Whatever I'm leaving." Glimmer attempted to teleport but failed. After trying to use her powers she ended up getting really tired. Suddenly Brightmare started glowing pink with sparkles. When the aura disappeared Gimmer's eyes widened.

"Thanks for your power." Brightmare said before laughing. Glimmer ran as fast as she could to the dinning room. She bursted open the door earning the attention of all the princess & Micah.

"Glimmer?" Adora asked while Glimmer ran towards her.

"Glimmer whats wrong!?" Glimmer felt herself weakening & talked as fast as she could.

"B-Brightmare... you need to run." Adora was confused.

"Brightmare?!" Micah asked scaredly.

"Glimmer calm down." Bow said trying to comfort his girlfriend.

"Why didn't you teleport?" Micah asked even more confused.

"She can't." Everyone froze up. They recognized the voice & summoned their weapons turning to face the door. 

"I don't mean any harm." Brightmare said just as Glimmer collapsed & fell to the floor.

"What did you do to her!" Micah yelled. The two looked eyes & Brightmare stepped back in surprise.

"You." Brightmare smiled stepping forward. 

"To answer your question... lemme show you." Brightmare turned to face Micah once again. They held their arm out & Micah started rising in the air. 

"Dad!" Then Micah fell & everyone looked at Brightmare confused.

"No." Glimmer said tearing up. Brightmare then started had an aura of purple from Micah's magic. Micah saw the glow & tried to use his magical abilities but failed growing weaker everytime. The room was filled with gasps. Soon enough Brightmare did the same thing to every princess except She-Ra.

"Not so strong without your powers huh?" They smiled widely at the sight of princesses on the floor, powerless. Sudenly they were met with a blast to the face. They turned around & saw She-Ra staring them down.

"I forgot." Brightmare face-palmed as they prepared to fight.

"Give them back their power. Or I'll make you." She-Ra pointed her sword towards them. Soon enough they were walking in a circle staring each other down.

"Why are you doing this!?" She-Ra asked practically begging.

"So they know how it feels to have no powers." She-Ra's eyes widened.

"I used to be powerless... bullied. Then one day I found a small crystal that granted me power but it came at a price... a price I was willing to pay." Brightmare said looking down in shame.


15 year old James walked throughout the woods crying. He kept punching trees & kicking rocks.

"Those stupid kids." He said throwing a rock. Then a small ping came from a small part of the woods. James ran towards it out of curiosity. Suddenly a bright light came from a stone hideout. He ran towards it tripping over a bush.

"Ow-" He stuck his hand inside the bush & pulled a lever.

"Cool!" He ran inside & looked around admiring the hideout. Then he saw a small red crystal on the floor. Out of curiosity, he picked it up.

"Would you be willing to accept the power in trade for becoming a ghost/demon?" A voice said from the crystal. James thought about this.

"If I agree I can have more power than Cole & his stupid friends." He looked at the crystal.

"But if I don't I'll get bullied probably for the rest of my life."

"I accept, creepy voice." Suddenly the crystal started glowing in his hands & gave him a red aura. There was a black cloud surrounding the 15 year old. When the cloud disappeared James became the legendary Brightmare. Soon Brightmare started possessing Cole & his friends, absorbing their power. Soon enough that became a habit that started happening every hundred years. Hundreds of years went on after that & he never stopped.

End Of Flashback

"You... I had no idea-"

"Whatever! I doesn't matter." Brightmare said on the verge of tears. 'Maybe a song will help!' She-Ra thought smiling. Then there was music playing causing Brightmare to look around.

"Where on earth is that coming from?"

"Ugh! Just go with it." Mermista said causing them to shrug.

Now (Italic=She-Ra. Bold=Brightmare)

Maybe you'll change

Abandon all your wicked ways,

Make amends & start a new


Maybe you'll see,

All the wrongs you did to me,

And start all over, start all over again.

Who am I kidding?

Now, let's not get overzealous here.

You've always been a huge piece of shit!

If I could kill you I would

But it's frowned upon in all fifty states.

Having said that, burn in hell!

At that moment anything happy was gone for She-Ra. She was angry.

So tell me how you're sleeping easy,

How you're only thinking of yourself.

Show me, how you justify,

Telling all your lies like second nature.

Listen, mark my words one day,

You will pay, you will pay,

Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Karma's gonna come collect your debt.

At this point She-Ra stabbed Brightmare in their stomach completely forgetting that it was in Catra's body.

Hello! How are you! Seeya! Just curious do you want a sneak peek of my new Catradora book? (Ignore the cover, I frick'n hate my art.) 

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