Chapter 4: Missing Princess

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Video: By Liquorice on youtube

"What do you mean Perfuma is missing!?" Catra asked snapping out of her sleepy state scared of what could have happened to the poor plumerian.

"Someone had to kidnap her. We should as... wait-" Adora stopped talking as she turned to face Catra.


"Where were you last night?" Catra raised an eyebrow purposely acting confused hoping to by time to remember.

"Couldn't sleep." Catra shrugged hopping Adora would by it.

"Ok..." Adora was still suspicious of what Catra could be doing but decided not to push it.

"We should go check up on Scorpia, make sure she's doing all right." Catra nodded & went to get Glimmer & Bow. Once they all grouped up the went to Plumeria. After they arrived the saw the plumerians scattered throughout their home. Adora went to go make sure the plumerians were ok & the rest went to Scorpia.

"How are you doing Scorpia?" Glimmer asked choosing her words wisely.

"I-I'm doing fine for now, I already miss her." Scorpia said tears forming in her eyes. Catra frowned at the sight of her hugger crying. Catra tried to remember last night's events as Bow & Glimmer comforted Scorpia. Suddenly the door opened & there stood Adora looking down at the floor. She took Bow & Glimmer into a different room to talk to them.

"What's wrong Adora? And why didn't you bring Catra?" Bow asked.

"Don't say anything." Adora said making sure the door was closed because she knows Catra likes to eavesdrop.

"Adora you better stop with those Prime vibes." Glimmer said remembering when Catra said that to her.

"Sorry & what do you mean Prime vibes?" Adora asked tilting her head.

"I... nevermind just tell us." Glimmer said crossing her arms.

"Ok, one of the plumerians said they heard noise coming from Perfuma's room & cracked open the door. The plumerian said they saw an animal run past with glowing red eyes carrying Perfuma who was tied." Adora said barely over a whisper. Bow & Glimmer locked eyes thinking the same thing.

"Catra?" Glimmer asked slightly louder than she intended. Adora slowly nodded.

"I think it could have been her but I'm not sure." Meanwhile, Catra was listening to their conversation from behind the door. When she heard that it could have been her she took a step back earning Scorpia's attention.

"You ok Wildcat?" Scorpia's voice was muffled through the sound of last night's events came sweeping through her brain. When the door opened Catra stared into Adora's eyes. Adora awkwardly waved but stopped to comfort Catra when she saw her. The second Adora stepped Catra ran back to Brightmoon. Adora was confused on what just happened but wasn't going to stop there.

"Its getting late Scorpia we should head back." Scorpia nodded forcing a sad smile.

"I'll see you soon then." The trio nodded & Glimmer teleported them back.


The second they got back Adora ran off to find Catra. After she opened their bedroom door she found Catra playing with Melog.

"Catra are you ok? You ran off earlier & I didn't know if I-"

"Adora I'm ok." Catra said standing up. Adora sighed a relief.

"What do you want to do?" Adora asked walking over to hug Catra. Catra shrugged as she dug her face into Adora's neck. Adora struggled to move both of them to the bed. After almost falling & tripping she managed to lay them both down. Suddenly Catra started chuckling & removed her head to face Adora.

"You could have just asked me to move." Catra said in between laughs. Adora rolled her eyes & shot a glance at the clock.

"Wow, it's already 11:30." The second Catra heard 11:30 she shot out of bed.

"11:30?!" Catra said looking at an almost asleep Adora. Catra quietly left the room making sure Adora doesnt wake up. After Catra left Adora slowly & sleepily patted the side of the bed. Once she realized Catra want there she jumped out of bed. She ran towards the window & saw Catra walking towards the woods. Adora quickly ran through the hallways of Brightmoon in an attempt to catch up to her feline friend.

I don't know if this chapter was 'late' or not but here you go! Ima update at once/twice a week. Seeya!

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