Chapter 10: Alive & Powerful

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Video by Nerd Clips HQ on Youtube. Picture by KangKangHJ on twitter.

"Hate to ruin the moment but I here for the drama soo," Dt said crossing their arms. 

"DT your just like Swiftwind-"

"DiD sOmEbOdY sAy SwIfTwInD!" Swiftwind say walking through the door.

"Should've expected that," Adora mumbled walking away. Suddenly Swiftwind got frozen in ice.

"Go away! Bouncer!" Frosta said running around.  Perfuma was running around with tea mostly for DT & Merimista while Bow was trying to calm everyone down, his voice cracking in the process. Scorpia was sitting in the corner of the room hugging her knees. By then Glimmer walked into the room more confused than ever. Mermista took her chance & decided to say something.

"Welcome to bible study we're all children of Je-"

"NO VINING!" Bow screamed at her, his voice cracking louder than ever.

"This is some serious drama. More tea please!" Dt said holding up their cup.

"Coming!" Perfuma trilled running over with the kettle.

"What is going on." Glimmer muttered looking at the chaos around her.

"SHUT UP EVERYBODY!! We are trying to be sad & you aren't helping!" Adora yelled trying not to crack a smile. Glimmer shook her head face-palming. 

"Anyway, come with me Adora." Glimmer grabbed her arm dragging Adora away. 

"You can handle everyone right Bow?" Glimmer asked. Bow turned around & mouthed 'help'.

"Great!" Glimmer gave him a thumbs up for encouragement.

"Stand here." Glimmer said before walking towards the side of the bed. Glimmer bent down to reach Catra's level.

"Can you come out? I need you to reveal yourself... for Adora's sake." Glimmer whispered to Catra. Suddenly Catra's ear twitched & she started to move. Glimmer smiled & went over to Adora.

"Ok, whatever you do don't attack her." Adora chuckled before walking over.

"Please, like I'll attack-" She looked at Catra & saw a faint red glow from her eyes.

"Catra." She finished angered.

"P-please listen." Brightmare said struggling to move. Adora crossed her arms & her eyebrows were furrowed.

"I'm using my power to keep her alive but I don't have much time. You must use She-Ra to heal her." Adora's eyes widened & she face-palmed.

"Of course! I'm such an idiot... & uh thanks." Brightmare weakly nodded & held onto Adora's hand. Adora flinched at first but eventually gave in to the touch. Then Brightmare closed their eyes & the hand slipped. Adora's eyes filled with tears but remembered what she had to do. While Adora was doing She-Ra stuff the door burst open revealing Bow covered in feathers.

"Bow!?" Glimmer asked as he dragged her out the room. Glimmer's eyes widened at the sight in front of her. There were feathers everywhere & DT kept hitting people with a pillow that read 'Drama' with their face on it. Frosta kept freezing whoever went by screaming bouncer everytime. Scorpia literally was a pillow by the amount of feathers on her. Mermista was ordering Perfuma to make more tea. Perfuma had 10 ketteles on the ground empty.

"Do something, I'm slowly losing my sanity." Bow begged gripping onto Glimmer's arm.

"GUYS!" She shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing but DT still whipped Frosta in the face with their pillow.

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