Chapter 13: Flirting, Fights & Drama

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You don't have to watch the video but it's by Nerd Clips HQ on youtube

When Adora & Catra arrived in their bedroom Catra immediately ran over to Glimmer. Glimmer then smiled & intertwined their fingers making Adora pissed.

"Hey~," Glimmer said petting her.

"Hey Sparkles~," Catra said purring. Adora plopped down watching this with her arms crossed.

"Your beautiful." Glimmer said still petting her.

"You're the most gorgeous being I've ever encountered," Catra replied smirking. 

"Your more gorgeous."

"Wanna bet?" Catra said pinning her to a wall. Her tail was swinging around crazily. That comment made Glimmer red & Adora loudly cleared her throat.

"Do you need to get a room?" Adora said glaring at Glimmer. 

"Yes." Glimmer said smirking as they sat down. Then Catra kissed Glimmer making Adora excuse herself so she can punch a wall. When she came back all eyes were on her.

"So what are we doing?"

"ADVENTURE!!" Sea Hawk yelled barging in. His smile faded when he saw Mermista & Bow holding hands.

"Care to join us," DT said smugly. 

"Mermista with Bow." Sea Hawk took a step back before Mermista grabbed his arm.

"Yes. It will be fun." Then S.H sat down frowning.

"I thought you loved me Mermista," S.H said turning to face her.

"Sorry but she loves me more." Bow said intervening. Glimmer was furious & ended up squeezing Catra's hand. Catra noticed & turned to face Glimmer.

"Are you ok Sparkles?" She asked generally concerned. Adora shot Glimmer a smug look while Glimmer exhaled.

"Yeah, I'm fine." That comment alone made Catra smile. Catra kissed her making Glimmer giggle.

"Well if you two are dating then I'm dating Adora." S.H said proudly. For some reason that made Catra angry. Glimmer sensed this & rubbed her thumb over hand furry hand.

"Now I'm returning the question. Are you ok?" Catra nodded forcing a smile.

"Someone's jelly." DT said. Glimmer glared at DT who just smirked in return.

"I'm just stating facts."

"The drama is real." Mermista whispered to DT who just nodded.

"So are we going to talk like friends or fight." DT said smirking. Adora was the first to say something.

"I need to talk to Glimmer."


"Alone." Adora grabbed Glimmer & pulled her into the bathroom. 

"Ready for the drama?" Mermista asked.

"Always darling." DT replied. After they shut the door DT & Mermista walked up & took out their phones preparing.

"What do you want Adora."

"Why are you going along with this!?"

"What? Are you jealous that she's mine & not yours?"

"You have Bow!? What happened to that huh!"

"Well her memory is still gone so have fun trying to get her back."

"Are you going to dump Bow?!"

"No! Look he doesn't have to know-"

"If you think I'm keeping your secret then your wrong."

"Drama." DT & Mermista said.

"How long has this 'drama' thing been going on?" S.H asked pointing at the duo.

"A while. I still love you S.H but it's for the drama sooo-"

"Gotchu! I shall set someone's boat on fire in celebration." S.H said running off. 

"ADVENTURE!!" Was heard throughout the hallways. Suddenly Glimmer came flying through breaking the door. There stood a furious She-Ra ready for a fight. 

"Everyone step back!" Mermista said recording.

"This is going to be good." DT said recording as well. She-Ra starting shooting at Glimmer & it started getting hard for Glimmer to dodge. Glimmer tried shooting sparkles at her but it was kinda hard when your trying to teleport. Then Glimmer ran & hid behind Catra who was terrified. She-Ra saw Glimmer hiding & transformed back when she saw Catra.

"I knew you couldn't do it." Glimmer said smugly. That remark made Adora grab Glimmer & kick her in the face. Catra was just sitting terrified watching the whole scene. Then Glimmer teleported Adora off a cliff. Catra saw Adora falling in the window & jumped out.

"Is it ove-" Mermista cut Bow off.

"THERE'S STILL MORE!!" Mermista yelled looking outside to watch. Glimmer teleported inside & everyone glared at her.

"Teleport back out there. Or we are done for good." Bow said leaving the room. Glimmer was heart-broken but did as he said. When she teleported back she ended up forgetting Catra. Adora punched Glimmer & ran outside to retrieve her feline friend. 

"Damn, you messed up." Mermista said putting a hand on her hips.

"S-shut up."

"Do you even love Bow?" DT asked.

"Yes! I just wanted my feelings for Catra to go away." Glimmer muttered ashamed.

"You better be ashamed." DT said transforming into Bow.

"Glimmer I thought we had a thing. But it turns out you were just using me for dem babies." DT transformed back while Mermista was laughing.

"B-BABIES!? Ew no."

"You gonna get prego," Mermista said in between wheezes.

"You two are just-"

"Amazing. We know." DT said cutting her off. 

"NO! I was going to say-" Then She-Ra walked inside & glared at Glimmer.

"Is Catra ok?" Glimmer asked worried.

"She's fine. However you might not be." She-Ra said leaving.

"What does she me-" Then the door opened up revealing She-Ra & Catra.

"We need to have a chat... Sparkles."

"DRAMA!!" DT & Mermista shouted loud enough for everyone in the castle to hear.

Sup Broskies! On my opinion, this chapter sucked. But I want to know what you thought of it. Also stupid school is starting up in like a week so Idk when updates will be. Seeya!

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