1) School For The Unique

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"Nayeon, you're going to be late for the bus!" Her mother shouted at the top of her lungs.
"Coming!" Nayeon was packing her things in her bag and ran downstairs.
"Finally you came." Her sister mocked her.
"Shut up, the bus is here." Nayeon pushed her out of the way and entered the bus.

Jeongyeon and her sister, Seungyeon were waiting for the bus.
"Are you excited?" Seungyeon asked as she cheered happily.
"By excited you mean boring." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
"Don't you want to meet people who are like you?"
She shook her head and scoffed at what her sister said. She didn't like meeting anyone, anyone that was like her. That's when the bus arrived.

Momo was running all over the place thinking, 'where's my bag?'
"Momo, the bus is here and I found your bag!" Her mother called out.
Momo ran downstairs in a slit second.
"Are you sure I can't just run there, it'll be quicker." Momo said as she took her bag.
"If you think that you can fly to the school." Her mother smiled and the bus arrived in time.

Sana was about to get on the bus, but her father stopped her.
"You forgot your pencil case." He said whilst running.
"Thanks dad." She thanked him and went inside.
"Please try not to confuse people." He winked as she waved him goodbye as she sat down.

Jihyo was already dressed up, she was just waiting for her sisters.
"I'm going now!" Jihyo shouted.
"We're coming!" As both of her sisters stumble to the floor as they were coming downstairs.
"We'll miss you!" The youngest hugged her.
Jihyo waved them goodbye.

Mina was waiting for the bus with her parents.
"Don't be scared Minari, you'll be fine." Her mother comforted her.
Mina took a deep breath.
"Make sure you take care of yourself." Her father told her.
Mina nodded and as soon he said that the bus arrived.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung were getting ready.
"Chaeyoung, Dahyun!" As Chaeyoung's mother shouted for them.
Both climbed downstairs.
"You two have a good first day of school and your mother told me that you shouldn't make jokes."
"She knows I won't listen to her." Dahyun smirked.
"How do you think I made friends with her?" Chaeyoung and Dahyun both laughed.
They saw that the bus was outside.

Tzuyu, who was outside waiting for the bus with her mother that was by her side comforting the girl.
"I think you'll be fine at school, try not to hurt anyone."
"If they don't fall in love with me then I'll consider it." Tzuyu smirked.
The bus was coming up and her mother kissed her goodbye.
As she went inside she sat next to this girl who was staring at her, almost everyone in the bus was looking at her.
"Everyone hold on tight, it maybe a bumpy ride." The bus driver said.
As the kids on the bus did what he said, the bus started to lift up.

The bus started to fly up to the clouds. Everyone was amazed, all you could see was clouds and the bright blue sky that surrounded them, but they were more amazed when they saw the floating school. School buses were everywhere, they could also see students on the school grounds.
They finally landed and the bus driver told them to follow where the teacher told them to go.

All new students had to go to the School Assembly Hall, they all waited for something to happen. As the noise of chatter faded when Mr Cho came out and everyone kept silent.
"Welcome new students to the School for the Unique, you'll be here in this hall until lunch." He continued. "During those 3 hours, we'll tell you the teachers, how this school policy works and we're talking about your accommodation rooms because this isn't any other normal school you go to." Mr Cho smiled.

To sum things up the important information is that Mr Yeon who will be their teacher for  Ability lessons and how to control them. One of the School policy is to not use powers to your advantage or use it on anyone.
Now the accommodations, only 3 people have to share room and they'll be your roommates for the rest of the years unless there is a serious problem between them.

It was finally lunch, Nayeon wanted to meet someone new. In spite of that, she accidentally knocked into someone without looking.
"I'm sorry." She apologised as she helped them up
"It's okay." The girl smiled at her.
"I'm Im Nayeon." Nayeon introduced herself, holding out a hand.
"I'm Park Jihyo." The girl shook her hand.
"I don't know anyone here." Nayeon said.
"Same, what class are you in?" Jihyo asked.
"I'm in class 1-3."
"Cool, I'm in the same class."

At the same time, Jeongyeon was approached by someone she knew.
"How's the first few hours of your new school?" The person asked.
"Seungyeon?! Why are you here?" Jeongyeon asked, surprised.
"I'm a Senior, I'm suppose to take care of you freshmen." Seungyeon nudged her shoulder.
"Just don't embarrass me." Jeongyeon whispered.

Momo was already in line to get her food, when she got her food she had no where to sit, but then she decided to sit opposite a girl who was sitting by herself.
"Mind if I sit here?" She asked the girl who was reading a book.
"No." The latter said quietly.
Momo placed her tray on the table and sat comfortably on the seat as she began to eat.
"What's your name?" Momo asked whilst stuffing food in her mouth.
"Myoui Mina." The girl smiled shyly.
"I like that name, my name is Hirai Momo."

Sana was looking around to find new people. She wanted to get taking with someone and at least have someone she knew when she's at school. That's when she saw these two girls talking and decided to join them.
"I'm Minatozaki Sana, can I join you two?"
The two girls looked at each other and nodded.
"Hi, I'm Hirai Momo."
"I'm Myoui Mina."
The trio seems to get along together, as they were getting to know each other.

Dahyun and Chaeyoung were talking to a group of people, Dahyun who was making jokes while Chaeyoung laughed with the others. The group seemed to like them, but they separated as they went to mingle around and so did the duo.
"They seem quite nice." Chaeyoung spoke.
"How about her?" Dahyun pointed to a pretty and tall girl who was standing straight with her back against the wall.
Both girls went up to talk to her.
"Hi, my name is Kim Dahyun and my friend here is Son Chaeyoung."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Chou Tzuyu." The girl smiled and all three of them had a pleasant conversation.
The students were called back to the hall for another lecture about the school. Next they were sent to their classes to get used to the people in it.
Jihyo and Nayeon walked together to their classes as the teacher showed them where it was.
Both sat together, waiting for the others to come in.
Mina came in and sat down she also noticed that the people she met, Sana and Momo, were in her class as well.
"Hey we meet again, the three of us." Sana spoke.
"It's like destiny." Momo chuckled.

Jeongyeon went in her class with her sister Seungyeon following closely behind like a guardian angel.
"Would you please leave." She demanded her sister.
"I can't just leave my job to keep an eye on you guys."
Jeongyeon groaned and sat down at the far seat at the back.

Tzuyu walks in causally and noticed that the two girls she met earlier were in her class.
"Hey, Tzuyu was it?" The pale girl asked.
"Yeah, I didn't know you guys would be in the same class as me."
"We didn't either." The short girl smiled.

Finally their teacher came in and talked about their rooms, they called out the students name and give them the room number and key they have to collect, but they weren't allowed to show or tell anyone because it's a safety precaution and privacy as some students can be too much.

It was the end of the day and all the students went home and packed their luggages for tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a big day.

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