11) The Legend Is True

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Jihyo felt the energy from the sphere enter her, she felt more powerful. Then she saw a glimpse of something like it was a flashback; it wasn't of her, it was from the Dark Mask.


39 years ago

"Well done son!" Mr Cho said to his youngest child.
His family kept praising him, except one boy.
"Why are you proud of him?" The eldest son said in a cold tone.
"We're congratulating him for his bravery." His mother replied.
"I'm the bravest, just because he received the sphere doesn't mean anything." He stomped his feet.
"He received it through his accomplishments." Mr Cho said.
"Then why not me, why does he get it and I don't!" The eldest started to raise his voice.

"This is why you don't deserve it, the way you act is impeccable."
"Are you saying I'm not fit for anything?" The boy was on the verge of crying.
Mr Cho stopped talking, he didn't mean to hurt him, but he did.
The boy stormed off upstairs.
"Jinho!" His dad shouted for him.
"Give him a minute." Mrs Cho grabbed his arm.

Flashback End

Jihyo was finally back into reality.
"The legends are true." Dark Mask spoke as he was still gripping on the sphere.
"Jinho..." Jihyo whispered.
He looked up with a confused expression on his face.
"What did you call me?"
"Jinho." Jihyo said it louder.
"How do you know my name?"
"I saw your past, you're brother got the sphere instead of you, then you and father got into an argument." Jihyo explained.
"The chosen one can see through people's minds." He chuckled and let go off the sphere, Jihyo was still holding it.

"Come on Legend, fight me!" In a blink of an eye he disappeared.
The gravity became normal, meaning that the other girls were about to fall.
Jihyo raised her palm, only a inches they could hit the ground hard. She lowered them slowly, carefully setting them down on their feet.
"How did you... the jammer..." Dahyun was left speechless.
"I... don't know."
"You're the person who consumes the power." Tzuyu spoke.
Sana examined the sphere asking the question, "Where's it's colour gone?"
The sphere went from white to grey.
"It seems like Jihyo took all the energy." Momo said.
"That doesn't matter now, we need stop him." Nayeon stopped their conversation.

"Come on Legend, I'm still waiting!" A shout came from outside.
"Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Sana, stay here to release the teachers. Mina, Tzuyu, Momo and Nayeon go find the other students." Jihyo instructed them and they obeyed.
"Jihyo let me go with you, you need support."
Mina came up to her.
Jihyo nodded.

As the girls separate from each other, Jihyo and Mina went outside to find the Dark Mask levitating from the ground.
"Took you long enough." He sighed and floated to the ground.
"This ends now!" Jihyo shouted.
"Then fight me."
Jihyo was in a fighting stance while Mina was turning into a cheetah, growling at him as he smirked and disappearing.

Mina heard noise from behind them and quickly scratched his mask, revealing his face, as he was about to hit them with a metal pole.
Soon after, he forced pushed them away from him causing both girls to fly back; luckily Jihyo pulled Mina down and herself. Then she noticed that she could levitate herself with her telekinesis almost as she was flying.

"Learning your ways, eh?" He scoffed before making weapons appear in front of him and throwing at the girls.
Mina was diving and dodging the attacks with the help of Jihyo who could throw them back, but only for Dark Mask to liquify the weapons.
He jumped up high and then crash back down causing the school to shake and the girls to stumble to the ground.
Mina was going to pounce onto him until he teleported right in front of her, grabbing her neck while lifting it her. Mina turned back into a human and was chocking.

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