13) Naming The Group

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2 months later

Everything went back to normal, with Jinho in jail and all of the teacher's powers back to themselves— it was time for the girls special ceremony for their bravery, saving the school and the world.

"We are here today to congratulate these 9 girls for their bravery and teamwork to stop Dark Mask." Mr Cho started to talk.
"Just 3 months ago they were normal new students, now they are Protectors of the School."

"Can't believe it was 4 months ago since we joined this school." Tzuyu whispered.
"Time flies by quick." Chaeyoung said.
"I can't believe in a span of one month we:
fought each other, got along, snook into Mr Yeon's office, fought some robots, jumped in a river and almost died, snook into our own school, found out that the Dark Mask was Mr Cho's brother, fought some more robots, almost died again, discovered that Jihyo was the chosen one, almost losing Jihyo and now we are here." The girls looked at Dahyun weirdly as she listed.

"I'm at least here with you guys." Jihyo smiled at them and went back to Mr Cho speech.
"We proudly give these medals to the girls as a sign of our gratitude."
Seniors came up to the 9 members placing the golden medals over their heads.
The school and their family clapped as they bowed, achieving their medals.
"We do have a special speech from the leader, Jihyo." He gestured to Jihyo to come up, but the thing is that Jihyo was confused.

"You made a speech?" Nayeon asked as she clapped with the audience.
"I-I never told him I had a speech." Jihyo panicked.
The other girls chuckled.
"Just make stuff up." Jeongyeon suggested.
"Because that's easy isn't it." She said with a sarcastic tone.
"Momo you know what to do." Sana signalled her as both girls grinned.
Momo pushed Jihyo, using her super speed to make her stand on top of the podium in a blink of an eye.
Jihyo looked back in fear, the other girls held their thumbs up.

Then she took a deep breath and spoke, "I'm... Uh... really glad that everyone is here to support us and..." She was struggling to make things up. Desperately looking for help she looked at her family, who was at the front giving her the same sign as her friends did.
"Speak from the heart." As Mr Cho moved close to her ear, whispering.

'Speak from the heart... I can do that.' She thought to herself.
"A team, w-what is it?" She began with a rhetorical question.
"Is it a group of players from one side playing together? Is it when a group of people work together to achieve their goal?" She paused.

"A team is all those things, but a team in my opinion they are family as I have experienced with mine.
When once we didn't quite like each other and then getting along. When one fell down, we helped that person get back up on their feet. When one is scared, we help that person to boost their confidence." Jihyo smiled at the audience and then at her friends.

"That's why I call them a team, they will never give up on you, they'll always be here for you and always remember you... they are not only my friends, they are also part of my family."

There was a moment of silence, Jihyo's speech touched everyone, not only she spoke confidently, she spoke from the heart just as Mr Cho said.
As they applauded her, she bowed with her friends who hugged her.

"Are you sure you didn't plan that?" Momo asked.
"I spoke from the heart."
Mr Cho came up to them.
"With a team you must always have a name."
"Let's name ourselves, NaJeongMoSaJiMiDaChaeTzu." Chaeyoung blurted.
"That's too long and did you actually fused our names together?" Mina looked at Chaeyoung uneasily, but then she shrugged.
"The Super 9." Nayeon jumped.
"The Crew but with a K." Jeongyeon joined in.
"How about I don't give a f-."
"Feisty Fighters!" Sana interrupted Tzuyu, almost purposefully.
"These sound really horrible." Dahyun shook her head.

"I know right why not name us Twice?" Momo jokingly said.
"You know what, I like the sound of that name." Jihyo nodded.
"What?!" The girls raised their voice in unison.
"Yeah, one is strong, but a team is twice as better."
The girls thought about it and approved.
"I kinda like that name now." Mina said as the others nodded their heads.

"Our new Protectors of the School—TWICE!" Mr Cho announced.

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