10) Fight As A Team

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"What do we have here?" A deep voice echoed.
The girls immediately grouped together as each other them had their backs.
"It's cute how you girls think you'll save your school."
"Why are you doing this?" Jihyo asked.
"They have all lied, your parents, your teachers and your so called 'heroes'." Footsteps became louder and louder, almost right behind them.
"He didn't lie, he was telling the truth." Mr Yeon said from behind one of the cages.
"I don't believe you, I was suppose to take that sphere!" A loud crash came from the front.

The girls did not know what there were talking about, but they listened as they questioned what's going on.
Who was lying to him?
"Your father wouldn't want you to be this way." Another teacher spoke.
A figure emerged from the shadows revealing the Dark Mask, he clenched his fist as he spoke, "I wanted to do this, this all happened because of HIM!" He pointed straight to Mr Cho.
"What did he do?" Jihyo asked.
"He took the sphere away from me, so I'm taking it back!"
"It wasn't for you anyway." Mr Yeon scoffed.
"That Sphere was MINE!" As his voice echoed through the room making everyone stay still.

"I'm sorry, that our father didn't give it you." Mr Cho said to Dark Mask.
"I had good grades, I was brave why did he give it to you?! I'm sick and tired of living in your shadow.
I envied you when he gave you that sphere, he told you that he trusts you with it. What do I get— I get nothing, now I'm taking what was mine and I will take over the world."

"You're not doing that." Nayeon stepped up.
The villain chuckled, but all the girls stepped forward at once.
"You think you're going to stop me." He continued to laugh.
"You're not as powerful as me!" He held out his hand and clenched it.
The girls found themselves trapped together in chains, thankfully Tzuyu with her super strength broke the chain with her bare hands.
It was already getting started. Out of nowhere he started to throw spears at them from thin air.
Jihyo used her telekinesis to avoid hitting them, this made him more angry.
With his magic he spawned random objects and kept reappearing them- boxes, shovels, chairs, table etc... But the girls dodged everything he has throw.

He was fed up that they were in his way, instead of continuing to fight them he called his henchmen.
"I haven't got time for you, get them!" His henchmen obeyed him and surrounded the girls as they did the first time.
"Just use your abilities." Jihyo instructed her friends, they were filled with confidence.

Tzuyu was the first one to react when one of the henchmen ran for her. She raised a fist and a punch straight to the face causing the robot to fly across the room.
Momo had a few guys on her, but it wasn't that hard to out run them. She slalomed through the guys and kicking them to the floor, the last thing they could see was a blur image.
Sana reached to the floor and raised her hand as rocks and stones formed over the henchmen and crushed their hard metal into tiny pieces with one single gesture.

The henchmen kept coming now they had metal sticks for weapons, the girls now had to step their game up.
Mina turned into a eagle, she took flight, ripping the heads of the robots. Also taking their metal batons and hitting it against them.
Jihyo used her telekinesis, picking up the robots who were unfortunate to be in her proximity, though she could only pick up so much. She threw the ones she had in her left hand and smashing the others on her right.

With Dahyun's ice abilities and Chaeyoung's fire abilities they were helping each other. While Dahyun freezes them from the waist below, Chaeyoung had the opportunity to blast from the top causing the metal to burn and the wires to catch on fire.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon had their backs to each other, on one half Nayeon used her elasticity to slap or even to knock them off their feet. On the other half Jeongyeon was electrocuting them, overheating the wires until they explode.

No matter what happened, more henchmen started to come. However the girls never stopped fighting, it maybe their second time fighting, they have to fight to save their school.

"Feisty you girls are!" The Dark Mask huffed, he was watching the whole time, even though he said they were a waste of time.
He knew that they would lose either way, he had something big planned.

He walked into a glass box, with one of his henchmen by one of the switches. Jihyo saw this happening and had to react quick, but she was too late.
The henchman flicked the switched caused all the lights flickered.
Screams and grunts could be heard around the room, it was the sounds from the teachers.
"He's done something to them." Jeongyeon stopped for a moment.
Momo quickly ran to the switch, pushing the henchman beside in the process. She pulled the switch up, the lights stopped flickering.

All of the teachers dropped to the floor, breathing heavily as they have been exhausted from a race.
The girls were still fighting, but they noticed something odd about the Dark Mask; he sighed in relief and chuckled. He raised his hands causing his henchmen to stop.
He blew his breath and the girls could feel the air becoming cold and windy.
"That's... Mr Yeon's power, Air Manipulation." Nayeon stepped back.

Suddenly they felt themselves floating, their feet weren't touching the ground.
"Gravity manipulation." Chaeyoung said.
They struggled to stay upright.
"If you girls excuse me, I have a world taking over." He smirked as he took the sphere from a glass case.
They tried to use their abilities, but it didn't work, it's like something prevented them.
"I've planted a jammer signal so you can't use your own abilities." He was about to leave through the door.
Mina hit the back wall and though of an idea.
"Jihyo, I'll push you, get the sphere."
Jihyo nodded.

As Mina said, she pushed herself from the back wall and pushed Jihyo's feet causing her to fly forward.
She reached her hand out, as far as she could. When she did, she grabbed the sphere with he was still holding it.
Everyone was shocked from what was going on, even the Dark Mask.
The energy that once flew inside was flowing through Jihyo, it glowed bright enough that it was blinding.
Dark Mask was astonished, "The legends are true."

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