6) Sneaking Around

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It was midnight and the girls waited for the security guards to stop roaming the halls.
The girls in Room 320 and Room 321 checked the halls to see if there was anyone patrolling, they were in the clear and went into Room 322 where Jihyo was set up with her plan.

"Why are we doing this again?" Nayeon asked.
"We're sneaking into Mr Yeon's office to search if he's up to something." Sana answered.
"What's the plan Jihyo?" Jeongyeon let her speak.
"Mr Yeon's office is near the cafeteria we just sneak inside and found out if he's doing something." As she explained, the girls nodded.

The plan was set, Jihyo, Nayeon and Jeongyeon were going to sneak inside Mr Yeon's office. Sana and Tzuyu were going to keep an eye on the security guards, whilst Dahyun, Momo, Chaeyoung and Mina stayed in the room.
Mina, who was good at technology could hack into the mainframe.

"How's the hacking, Mina?" Jihyo asked.
"I've froze their cameras but they can still hear through." Mina responded.
"Let's go."
The 4 girls went out of the room and sneaked through the hall way out the dorms and into the school.
There were guards that were still patrolling around school, they avoided each one of them quietly. The school was locked, even the school office door was locked.
"Now how are we going to get in?" Jeongyeon asked.
Then Jihyo used her ability to turn the lock causing the door to open.
"That's how." She said with a smug look.

As they went inside, Jihyo told Tzuyu and Sana to watch the guard who was in the surveillance room upstairs and if anything goes wrong they can distract them.
Jihyo unlocked the door by using her ability, they peered inside, it was just a normal office.
Nayeon closed the door behind them, Mina was watching over them, she was their look out. It was quiet. Too quiet.

The three girls looked through drawers and his papers, there was nothing about the sphere in them.
They didn't stop looking, Jihyo tried the computer but it was password protected.
"Mina, can you hack his computer?"
"On it." She responded calmly.
It's been a few minutes since the three girls went into the office, Sana and Tzuyu were watching the guard, he kept falling asleep and jolting his head up at times. Then they heard a sudden crash from downstairs, causing the guard to wake up.
"What is going on?" He asked himself as he looked onto the cameras, nothing was there in any of them. He started walking out.
Tzuyu knocked him out straight away with a swift punch to the face.
"You've knocked some sense into him." Sana joked.
"Sana, Tzuyu there's a guard that's coming up on the others, get rid of the guard." Mina spoke.
They carried the guard inside and did what they were told.
"I've hacked in for you, there's nothing there."
Mina said.
"There has to be something."
Nayeon saw something that was out of place behind his folder cabinet.
"I think I found something."
The two girls went to see.
Nayeon pushed the cabinet to one side revealing a secret key hole inserted with a key, Without hesitation she turn the lock and it opened.
Inside was a map of the school and pictures of something that looks like the sphere.

The sphere looked powerful, it holds the greatest power to anyone who is chosen to become the Protector. It also looked beautiful as it's pure white colour brightly signifies hope and peace, but it was dangerous.
Whoever holds the sphere is in great danger, it can power everything and anything. No wonder why Mr Yeon wanted to steal it or any villain.

Jihyo spread the blueprints on the floor with Jeongyeon holding her phone torch over her.
"The only thing is circled is Mr Cho's office." Nayeon pointed.
"Could that be the location of the sphere?"
"It could be, one place the Outlaws wouldn't check, a school."
Jeongyeon started to take pictures of the map and the pictures of the sphere. After she was done with it she put it back in the secret place.
With the help of Nayeon, they carefully pushed the cabinet to its original place, but they weren't careful when the cabinet started to fall making a loud crash.

"What did you guys do?" Jihyo noticed the problem.
"It fell." Both Nayeon and Jeongyeon said in unison.
"Guys what's happening?" Mina asked.
"We're about to leave, just have to clean up a bit." Jihyo responded.
"Do it quick, I think some of the guards are alerted." Mina answered back.
The trio pushed the cabinet upright and checked if anything was out of place.
As they were about to leave, Nayeon saw a light and instantly knew it was one of the guards.
"We have to hide."
They hid under the desk, the handle turned and the door creaked open, the light came closer as the footsteps grew louder. They knew they were screwed, they still hope that they will be a solution.

However there were noises out in the halls, sounded like someone was running away.
"Hey you, come back here!" The guard shouted and chased after it.
Another person came in, but they knew who it was.
"Guys, let's go before they come back." It was Tzuyu and Sana.
"Who is the guard chasing?" Nayeon asked.
"It's my duplicate and we have to go." Sana already made way for the exit with the 4 girls following close behind.
When they exited, all of the guards were alerted, they were trying to catch the person who was trespassing — well it failed.

Silent and safe they crept back into the dorm to where the other girls are.
The 5 girls were exhausted and finally relieved.
"You guys did well, just need to bring the evidence." Dahyun praised them.
"Not just yet, if he is going to steal the sphere we need to see it in action, the blueprints are and the pictures prove nothing, he might be innocent." Jihyo explained as the girls thought about it, they agreed to carry on watching over Mr Yeon.

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