12) Saving The World

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In The Beyond

"Wake up my child." A voice echoed through Jihyo's ears.
She jolted upwards, looking around where she was. The place she was in was nothing but emptiness. Everything that surrounded her was  darkness, though she felt comfortable and familiar to her.
"You're awake." The voice started speaking again.
"Where am I?" She asked.

"You are in the beyond where you've been  sent to and I'm talking to you from within."

"Then where are you if I can hear your voice, but not see you."

"For now, I'm talking to you from inside the sphere."

"You mean I'm in the sphere as well?" She kept looking around.

"Technically your soul is."

"Then does this mean I'm dead..." She paused.

"The beyond is a complicated place to determine if you're dead or not."

"So if I am dead, how are the others?" Jihyo asked in desperation.

"They're okay, because of your bravery you saved the whole world."

Jihyo sighed in relief, "Why did the sphere choose me?"

"I've watched you from the beginning, you were responsible for bringing those girls together, you took lead when everyone was scared, you knew that there are good in some people." The voice continued, "And your reason to keep going was your family."

Jihyo thought of her family again, the special moments with her mother and sisters she always remembered. The time where she met her friends through accident and repairing those relationships; she noticed how close they've gotten since the past few weeks, she saw couples set sail.
All she ever did was smile and laugh with them, they were precious to her like her children.
A loud explosion filled the sky, causing all of the students to watch as the satellite became a ball of fire.
She did it, Jihyo saved the Earth.
"The satellite is gone!" One shouted.
"She saved us!" Another joined.
"But where's Jihyo?" Chaeyoung asked.
They all searched the skies, she wasn't anywhere.
"She must be somewhere." Dahyun said.

"Over there!" A student pointed at a moving object falling through the sky. It was Jihyo's motionless body.
Without hesitation, Kang Daniel flew towards her luckily he caught her before she hit the ground. He laid her down easily as her friends gathered around.
"Jihyo..." Nayeon had her head on her heart, trying to find a heartbeat, but there was none.
Even if Jinho had Mr Cho's healing powers, it was not enough to revive her.
The girls started to cry, as did the others.
"I need to go back to them." Jihyo demanded.

"There is a way." Suddenly the white sphere float down.

"The sphere, how can it-?"

"I know it will, what I have seen and been through, I know what that sphere does."

"Then... Who are you?" Jihyo looked around once more as she gripped the sphere in her hands.

"One day I'll tell you who I am, one day... just not now. I'll meet you again someday, Park Jisoo."

That name made Jihyo stop for a while. No one ever knew her real name, she changed her name when she turned 6, only her mother and herself knew that name.

"Go now." The voice said.

Jihyo grabbed hold of the sphere, trusting what the voice said.
Everyone stood around the girls as they mourned their loss of their friend. A light shone from Sana's hand, she still had the sphere when she was examining it.
They looked at her shocked to see what is happening.
"What's happening?" Tzuyu went up to her.
"I-I don't know." Sana placed the sphere on the ground next to Jihyo.

All of a sudden the sphere started to flow above them, they all walked backwards afraid of what will happen.
The light from the sphere shone onto Jihyo, they saw a drastic change of colour. It was once grey and now into its original colour, white.
The ball slowly descended to the floor next to Jihyo.

In suspense they were waiting for what will happen next, little did they know Jihyo was heavily breathing and jolted upwards. She was alive.
"Jihyo!" Nayeon screamed for joy as she saw her friend alive once again.
The girls joined her with a hug.

"Don't ever do that again!" Sana gave her a soft punch to the arm.
"I couldn't imagine what would happen if you weren't here." Dahyun wiped her tears.
They kept hugging, they never let go. Though there was still something on Jihyo's mind.
'Who was that voice?'
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