5) A Sphere

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Nayeon, Jihyo and Jeongyeon went ahead to their dorm rooms as the other 6 girls were just finishing off.
Nayeon was the first to flop onto her bed and let out a big sigh of relief.
"It's so tiring!" She squealed.
"Tell me about." Jeongyeon wiped her face with her towel and got her bedclothes ready.
Jihyo say on the floor next to her bed and glanced at each one of her roommates, "Say, do you guys wanna talk?"

The sudden question caught them off guard only because this was their first time they got along as friends. They never thought it would be this awkward since now they're in the situation.

"I guess so." Nayeon answered and sat down closer to where Jihyo sat. Jeongyeon joined in and sat down in a kneeling position.
"What do you want to talk about?" Jeongyeon asked, still awkward around them.
Jihyo shrugged, "I don't mind, what we like, how were you like or even family."
"Let's go with family." Jeongyeon bugged in.

"Okay Yoo Jeongyeon, who do you live with?" Nayeon grinned as she questioned her.
"My mom is a nurse and my dad is a chef and my sister is a senior at this school."
"Hold up..." Nayeon stopped her, "You have a sister?"
The girl nodded.
"Her name is Yoo Seungyeon."
Nayeon huffed, "How come I've never seen her with you?"

"I told her not to come anywhere near me, plus I think you were looking at yourself in the mirror on the bus." Jeongyeon smirked as Jihyo laughed.
"Eh? How did you know?"
"We go on the same bus. In fact I think all of us do." Jeongyeon smiled at Nayeon as it was her turn now.

"Now, Im Nayeon, who's your family?"
Nayeon pouted, but still answered in a polite way.
"My mom and dad are both accountants and my little annoying sister is named Seoyeon."
"My little sister's name is Seoyeon." Jihyo said.
"You're all lucky to be the oldest." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

"Aww, is everyone treating you like a baby?" Nayeon teased her.
"Stop it!"
Nayeon grinned and then looked at Jihyo. "Lastly, Park Jihyo."
Jihyo nodded as she began, "I only live my mom and my two younger sisters named Seoyeon and Jiyoung."
"It's only your mother?" Nayeon asked.
"How about your—." As soon as Jeongyeon was about to say it, Jihyo already knew what she was going to say.

"I don't remember my dad or what happened to him or what he did."
Silence came over the room, now they regretted bringing up family. However Jihyo seemed to be fine.
"Sorry." Nayeon broke the silence.
"Don't be, it's not like I knew him or grew fond of him." Jihyo assured them and quickly changed the topic.
"How about the others?"
"Oh, the other girls?" Jeongyeon said.
It was the end of the first month and the start of the second. The 9 girls were relieved that their punishment finished 3 weeks ago, during that time they became closer.
Students were allowed to go home on the weekends. During that ride home, the girls exchanged the phone numbers to keep in contact with each other.
The girls had a free period so they decided to go to the school roof.
"A lesson of doing nothing." Momo sighed.
"Remember we do have lessons later." Sana ruined Momo's mood.
Nayeon noticed that Chaeyoung was drawing something with her sketch pad, she wanted to know what she was drawing.
"What are you drawing Chae?"
Chaeyoung immediately hid her drawing by closing her sketch pad.
"N-Nothing." She stuttered.
But before she could notice Jihyo used her telekinesis and brought the sketch pad over to her.
"It's a drawing of Mi-." Chaeyoung covered her mouth before she could blurt it out.
"Please do not say it." She whispered.
Nayeon and Jihyo chuckled at the small girl.
"What was that?" Jeongyeon was confused from what she saw.
"It's nothing!" Chaeyoung raised her voice.

"She's cute when she's angry." Mina said, both Momo and Sana turned towards her.
"Didn't know you liked anyone." Momo teased her, which she took offence.
"What do you mean?"
"You always want to study, it's surprising how you still have time to find someone." Sana joined in.
"Does it mean that you guys found someone?" Mina questioned the both of them.
They stayed quiet.
"Come on tell me." Mina demanded, but they changed the subject and moved along.
'I'll find out who it is.' She smirked as she thought.

Dahyun was tutoring Tzuyu maths.
"So I add, right?" Tzuyu asked.
Dahyun nodded and was proud of the girl.
"You teaching Tzuyu maths?" Nayeon came up to them.
"She's doing well." Dahyun couldn't stop praising Tzuyu.
"You could always learn from me."
Jeongyeon laughed when Nayeon spoke those words.
"What's funny?" Nayeon raised her eyebrow.
"It's funny that you think that you're smart." Jeongyeon kept laughing.

"I'll have you know that I was smartest in my school." The girl pouted.
"I have a sister who is a senior, she has access to see the students records. For yours it says that you just passed for a C." She gave her a devilish smile.
"That's it." Nayeon stretched her arms to grab Jeongyeon but she escaped.
"You can't catch me." Jeongyeon said before she ran down the stairs.
"I'll get you."

The other girls watched as Nayeon runs downstairs.
"I can see a couple." Tzuyu spoke.
"A match made in heaven." Jihyo smiled.
"Look, isn't that Mr Yeon?" Chaeyoung pointed where the old school building was.
It was Mr Yeon with another person with him.
"Who is that person?" Momo said puzzled.
"They're talking about a sphere." Mina said.
"Wait, how do you know?" Jihyo asked.
"I can hear what they're saying, I can posses traits from other animals meaning I can see from far away and see in the dark." She explained, they were all impressed.
"Can you do that all the time?" Dahyun asked willingly.
"No, I can only do it a certain amount of time until it hurts my head."

Mina continued to listen to their conversation.
"It's time for the plan!"
"We have to wait till it's the right time."
The girls waited for Mina to say something.
"What are they saying?" Chaeyoung was eager to know.
"The other person says to start the plan, but Mr Yeon said they had to wait for the right time."
"What else?"
Mina shook her head, they both walked away with Mr Yeon going back inside the school and the stranger vanished into thin air.

"You said something about a sphere, what is it?" Jihyo asked in confused.
"It's a sphere that will make you powerful, only one will consume it's power." Mina continued to explain.
"It's another legend, that's why no one knows who it is." Tzuyu added.
"You don't think that Mr Yeon and that guy are planning to..." Sana stopped.
"That's what we're going to found out." Jihyo said with determination.
"Does it include getting in trouble?" Dahyun crosses her fingers hoping she would say no.
"May or may not be possible."
"We can say goodbye to this school." Mina sighed.
Though Jihyo wasn't done.
"I need a school of the map, walkie talkies and someone who's good at computers."

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