4) Starting To Get Along

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"Hey Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung waved at her.
Jeongyeon sighed and the three girls knew something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" Tzuyu asked.
"Maybe I was wrong, for shouting at her and starting that fight." She was referring to Nayeon.
The three younger girls nodded. They all felt bad now, it was partially all their faults to get involved.
"We should do what Jihyo says, let's get along with each other." Dahyun spoke.
They all agreed to do it. However Chaeyoung was about to say something when she forgot what to say.

Jihyo and Nayeon were at their lockers, but Nayeon didn't open her locker.
"I was thinking about what you said." Nayeon said, Jihyo listened carefully.
"Even if Jeongyeon started the fight, I can't help that we came off at the wrong side, I know that she's a warm hearted person inside."
Jihyo gave a her a motherly smile and replied to her, "That's the spirit."
At the same time Sana, Momo and Mina arrived.
"Just 2 more days." Momo yawned.
"2 more days then we'll have our powers back." Sana spoke.

They saw that Jeongyeon and the other three were coming up to them.
They expected something bad to happen, but instead they got something different.
"I'm sorry... that I shouted at you and starting that fight." Jeongyeon looked at the floor.
Jihyo nudged Nayeon to make her say something.
"I'm sorry... for pouring that water fountain on you, I know that you're not like this all the time."

Both girls smiled at each other and agreed to get along. The rest of the group agreed to get along, as each of the two groups walked away Chaeyoung remembered what she was about to say.
"Jeongyeon, we have to stop Nayeon from opening her locker."
The girls were confused.
"We may have put paint in her locker."
As Chaeyoung said that the two girls remembered and panicked.

Nayeon was about to open her locker, Jeongyeon reacted very quickly and ran to Nayeon pushing her out of the way when she opened her locker.
She was just in time to get in the way of paint blast.
Everyone gasped as Jeongyeon was covered in paint splatters, the young girls backed away slowly.
Teachers started to see what was happened.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Mr Yeon cried out.
The girls froze not knowing what to say.
After they gave Jeongyeon a towel, they found themselves in Mr Cho office, they were sitting silently whilst Mr Cho and Mr Yeon were discussing outside. They finally came inside.
"Tell me, who's fault was it?" The Principal asked them.
They looked at each, but one had the courage to stand up.
"It was me, I planted the trap , but I made it so that you would blame it on Nayeon." Jeongyeon spoke up.
"No, it was me, I planted the trap I wanted to blame that Jeongyeon did it, but she opened it instead." Nayeon covered her.
The other girls were amazed that both girls were covering each other.
"Don't listen to them, it was me." Sana joined in.
"They're lying it was me." Dahyun stepped up.
One by one the girls 'admitted' to what they have done, each covering for each other.

"Surely, there has to be one person." Mr Yeon said, "If not then we'll suspend all of you."
Mr Cho stopped him.
"I don't think that has to happen." He said.
"But Sir, they've caused too much chaos-." But Mr Cho cut him off.
"Since you all covered each other, I will let you use your abilities again, but you still have to clean the cafeteria until the end of this week."
The girls were ecstatic and thanked Mr Cho.

They went to their lesson which was English.
"That went better than I expected." Mina chuckled.
"I thought I was going to die." Dahyun sighed.
"I'm proud of you guys, looks like I'm a good influence." Jihyo was impressed by herself.
"Jihyo, we love you too." Chaeyoung started to hug her.

The girls still had to clean up the cafeteria, even though they didn't like it they were happy that they did it together. Momo used her super speed and cleaned a huge amount of space, Jihyo used her telekinesis to do all her work for her as she just sat down.
Sana duplicated herself and let her clones do the work.
Nayeon used her elasticity to get to places where it was hard to reach.
The others didn't have powers that could help with cleaning, but they manually did cleaned it.

Nayeon approached Jeongyeon, she wanted to tell her something.
"Thanks for saving me with that paint and also taking the blame." Nayeon thanked her.
"I should thank you for covering me even though you didn't do anything wrong." Jeongyeon smiled back.
"What are are we going to do?"
"Just wait and then our plan will come together."
"I hope you're ready..."

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