3) Detention Punishment

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The 9 girls were in a room with a metal lock on their leg to prevent them using their own abilities. Each one of them felt uncomfortable and hated themselves that now they are in this situation.
"For the rest of this week you will all have to clean up the cafeteria and it has to be spotless, starting now!" Mr Yeon pointed at the door and sent them to clean.
They were given brooms, mops, cloths and a bucket of water each.

The girls cleaned the cafeteria without leaving anything behind, no food stains just spotless clean. The atmosphere inside was strange, it felt that they weren't safe. They knew that they hated being here and hate each other, in fact they weren't safe working together.

"Nice going long arms, now we have to clean up." Jeongyeon scoffed.
"You're blaming it on me, you were the one who started the fight!" Nayeon came back.
"If your stretchy arms didn't go out of control, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Jeongyeon raised her voice.
"It's not her fault if she was nervous." Sana joined in.
"Why don't you duplicate and fake making friends, you're not needed." Dahyun butted in.
"Make some ice cubes and cool yourself down, how dare you say that!" Momo defended Sana.
"Go run back home, oh wait you can't now you have to go at our level of speed!" Chaeyoung made a comeback.
"I can't take you seriously, you look like a cupcake that's on fire!" Mina finally spoke.
"Why don't you back away like a scaredy cat and turn into one as well!" Tzuyu said angrily.

They continued to argue, each one of them saying about another. All except one.
"Everyone just stop!" Jihyo shouted, everyone became quiet.
"Arguing won't solve anything, let's just move on."
She carried on and brushed the floors when the girls were still processing what to say, but none of them did.
They continued to clean the cafeteria and no one said a word after that.
They were allowed to go back to their normal lesson, their last lesson being science. It was wasn't bad, though everyone kept looking at them almost scared of them.

After the last bell, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were the first to get to their rooms and they soon realise that they share the same room. Room 320. The trio were ecstatic and with an idea, they got to know each other better as they planned to talked all night.

Mina, Sana and Momo also realised that they were sharing the same room. Room 321. Mina felt quite relieved as she knew those girls and would rather have them instead of random people she didn't know.

Those 6 girls unpacked their things, sat down on their beds and talked.

Nayeon and Jihyo went to their room which was Room 322, they were exhausted.
"I'm fed up with today." Nayeon sighed and laid on her bed which she picked.
"Same, my back hurts cleaning, though I'm surprised we're in the same room." Jihyo smiled.
Nayeon nodded, then suddenly the door opened, revealing some who had the same shocked face on their face.
"No, I'm not sharing a room with you!" Nayeon shouted.
"How do you think I feel when I saw your face here, I can't believe we're sharing a room!"Jeongyeon scoffed.

"You two just suck it up, if you want to change rooms you can, but would you rather have someone else who saw you two fight and have a giant metal lock on your leg?" Jihyo continued, "If not, by all means we're stuck with each other, be grown ups and at least get along." Jihyo caught her breath and relaxed her muscles as she laid on her bed.

"If she says sorry first." Nayeon pointed at Jeongyeon rudely.
"Don't worry, I won't." Jeongyeon laid on her bed facing the wall, so did Nayeon.
Poor Jihyo has to go through this until they graduate, she sighed and went to sleep.
It was the next day, already Tzuyu was awake, she was picking out her outfit for today. Suddenly loud music started playing inside the room causing the two girls to wake up abruptly. Dahyun fell to the floor and Chaeyoung banged her head on the wall.
"What... was that?" Chaeyoung said whilst rubbing her head.
"Didn't you guys know that they play music to wake up the students?" Tzuyu asked.
"I thought it was some soothing music." Dahyun said when getting off the floor.

Sana and Mina had been woken up because of the music that was playing.
"Does it have to be that loud?!" Sana screamed.
"I'm about to be deaf and it's not because of the music." Mina joked.
Sana pouted and looked at Momo who was sleeping still.
"How can she sleep through this?" Sana looked confused and tried to shake her awake.
"I guess we have to wake her up."
"Use your ability and turn into a lion or something." Sana suggested.
"Have you noticed that we can't use our abilities." Mina pointed at the metal locks that prevented them to use their powers.
Both Mina and Sana sighed.

In Room 322, Nayeon and Jihyo were getting ready when Jeongyeon was moaning because of the loud music.
"Could you turn off the music!"
"We have no control, the school turns it off after a few seconds." Jihyo replied.
Jeongyeon covered her head with her pillow trying to get back to sleep.
"If I had my powers back I would strangle her right now." Nayeon whispered to Jihyo and clenched her fist.

Finally Mina and Sana got Momo out of bed they went to their lockers which was assigned to them when they got their room keys. They found Nayeon and Jihyo at their lockers.
"Morning Nayeon and Jihyo." Sana waved at them happily.
"Morning Sana, Momo and Mina." Jihyo smiled back at them.
"Yesterday was rough." Mina said.
"Today will be rougher since we have no powers." Nayeon leant again her locker.
"I feel like a useless human being." Momo frowned.

In the distance they could see that Jeongyeon was with Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.
"There's Jeongyeon's entourage." Mina pointed out.
"That tall girl looks cute though." Sana blushed.
Everyone looked at her weirdly and she stopped talking.
"I feel bad for the people who have to share a room with her." Momo said.
"I feel bad for us too."
The three girls were shocked when Nayeon said that.
"Wow, you're that unfortunate." Mina answered.

"Yo, Yoo Jeongyeon!" Dahyun called out for her.
"Well if it isn't Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu." Jeongyeon named them.
"That girl and her entourage are over there, you wanna have some fun." Tzuyu looked over to Nayeon's group.
"I would love to, but we can't use our powers." Jeongyeon sighed.
"Who says we can use our powers?" Dahyun smirked, Tzuyu and Jeongyeon knew what she was going on.
"Don't you think that girl looks cute?" Chaeyoung stared.
"Are you looking at the animal girl?" Tzuyu shook her.
"Get her inside before she starts writing poetry." Dahyun and the others pushed Chaeyoung inside their home room.
The bell rang and the students went inside to their home rooms.
The 9 girls had a fine school day, they avoided getting into trouble especially with the other group. They were now told to clean the cafeteria at the end of the school day which made them more mad than ever that now they have to stay up late.
It has been 2 days since they've first started cleaning the cafeteria.
There was a clear split between the girls, NaMoSaJiMi and on the other side was JeongDaChaeTzu. At least they were still cleaning in silence, they didn't want talk to each other.

All but one girl wanted this silence to end.
"Everyone gather around." Jihyo spoke.
Everyone stopped and looked confused.
"I said gather around!" As her voice raised everyone started to gather around.
"It's been 2 days and I can't stand this silence." She continued to rant. "We can't just ignore each other, we're in the same class, we share a room and we're stuck like this for 3 days."
Jihyo was still not finished, "I just want us to get along as we're never going to escape each other."

The girls looked at each other and nodded, they knew that Jihyo had a point.
They were finished with their cleaning and went back to their rooms.

TWICE: World In A Day was very fun, really do hope that Jeongyeon rests well!

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