7) Celebration Assembly

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The 9 girls got up early and went up to the dorm roof to talk about what's going to happen.
"What are we going to do?" Momo asked whilst stretching her body.
"We're going to keep an eye on him." Jihyo answered.
"What if he is innocent?" Chaeyoung spoke.
"Then we've got nothing better to do than to let it go."
The other girls responded except one.
"I think you have to listen to this." All eyes were on Mina, she pressed play and they listened.

"When's it happening?"
"It will happen soon, real soon."

"I got this when I was searching through Mr Yeon's files and I came across a secret file, it took me all night to open since it was heavily secured." Mina explained herself.
"Did you get any sleep?" Tzuyu asked in concern, but before Mina could answer she was already sleeping face first on her computer.
"What did Mr Yeon say about it happening real soon?" Dahyun was puzzled.
"He must be talking about the sphere." Nayeon said.

The girls thought hard then something popped into Jeongyeon's mind.
"The celebration assembly."
The girls turned to her confused.
"What celebration?" Sana asked puzzled.
"It's the schools 15 year anniversary, he might be planning to steal it there."
Jihyo nodded.
"A time where everyone is together, where no one is around to see you steal."
"When's the celebration?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Tomorrow." Jeongyeon answered.
That only leaves the girls to plan today, nothing must not go wrong.
It took a lot of minds and hours for the girls to be ready and confident. Jihyo was taking charge and no one fought back.
The celebration assembly was today and they have to catch Mr Yeon in his act. The only thing is, will they succeed?

All the students were gathered in the courtyard, rows of chairs were inline with each other. Luckily their class sat at the back making it easier to sneak out.
Mr Cho stepped up on the podium and announced his speech, the girls were watching Mr Yeon who was sitting at the front. He was making a move, he stood up.
"He's making his move." Tzuyu whispered.
"The plan starts now." Jihyo said.

The plan follows with Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Momo who were going to follow Mr Yeon while Mina stalls the assembly with her ability.
The others will keep a look out.
Mr Yeon was walking inside the school, it was time to make their move.
"Go, before anyone is looking." Nayeon instructed as the three girls sneaked there way into the school it was Mina's turn to do her bit.
A few seconds past and Mina turned into a bee and flew towards Mr Cho to keep him busy.

"I want to congratulate to the Seniors who were helpful at setting up on-." Mina flew in front to Mr Cho making him lose focus.
He wanted to speak again but Mina kept flying in front of him, he swatted the air trying to keep the insect away.
Students started to laugh, even the five girls who were holding in their laughter.
Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Momo followed Mr Yeon discretely, he was going towards Mr Cho's office unlocking it with a key.
They waited for a while, but he hasn't came out.
"We have to go in." Chaeyoung suggested.
"We have to wait for him, to catch him stealing the sphere." Dahyun spoke, but Chaeyoung was already going inside followed by Momo. Dahyun just sighed and followed them.
Although, they were expecting Mr Yeon to be in the room... he wasn't there.
"Where is he?" Momo looked around, there was nothing to be seen.
"He must be here." Chaeyoung was confused.
They looked around, nothing but stuff from Mr Cho.
They checked his bookcase and just saw a few books that were on about super abilities which were interesting:
'How to use healing?'
'Life of a Healer?'
'The Beyond'

Nothing that were use though.

Chaeyoung and Momo were still searching, on the other hand Dahyun was standing still and smiling.
"Why are you smiling?" Chaeyoung asked.
"He's not in the room, but he maybe down here." She pointed at a passage way that was under the desk.
The passage way led downwards at the bottom of the floating school.
The other girls praised her for the finding.

Slowly, the three girls crept down the passage only to find Mr Yeon who was turning a vault.
Inside was a white sphere, the girls couldn't believe their eyes as it contains the most powerful weapon.
"What are you thinking of doing with that?!" Momo shouted making Mr Yeon turn around hastily.
"We've caught you stealing and there's no where to run." Dahyun smirked as she crossed her arms.
"Girls it's not what you think, we have to put this sphere somewhere else." He said quickly.
"You mean that you were going to steal it." Chaeyoung said.
"You don't get it we have to protect it from someone."
"From who?" Dahyun asked.
"From me." A strange, deep voice said behind them.
The stranger was wearing black all over, a black mask, a black cape.

Screams could be heard outside.
"What's happening outside?" Chaeyoung asked.
"My henchmen are taking care of business... now hand me the sphere." He held out his hand.
"I'll never give it to you." Mr Yeon growled.
The stranger just chuckled, "Fine, I'll do it my way."
Before he could react, Mr Yeon gave the sphere to Momo.
"Quick, you girls run!" As Mr Yeon demanded, Momo used her super speed and ran out of the passage.
The stranger used his ability and chained up Mr Yeon, he turned to the two girls as he tried to get them, Dahyun froze him making an opening for them to escape.

They escaped, but they still weren't safe. They found Momo who was caught by one of his henchmen who were made out of metal.
Another henchmen was holding the sphere, Chaeyoung reacted quickly and threw fire at both of the henchmen, it was luck that Momo had fast reaction, she moved out of the way.
"You okay?" Dahyun checked on Momo.
She nodded.
"We have to get to the others." Chaeyoung picked up the sphere and ran to the others.
When they got outside they only saw chaos, henchmen were everywhere, teachers and seniors trying to protect the students.
"You have the sphere." Nayeon's voice could be heard.
"Where's Mr Yeon?" Jihyo asked.
"He's been captured by a guy who's dressed in black, it wasn't Mr Yeon." Chaeyoung explained.
"What do we do now?" Sana asked.
"Girls!" A voice shouted.
It was Mr Cho and Seungyeon.
"You guys have to go to the panic room, you'll be safe there." Seungyeon spoke.
"You have the sphere." Mr Cho said.
"Someone wants to steal it; we got out, but Mr Yeon has been captured." Chaeyoung rushes through her words.
"Seungyeon, take the sphere and put it somewhere safe, you girls must go to the panic room." Mr Cho instructed them as he went to his office.

The 9 girls followed Seungyeon to the panic room, but they were surrounded by henchmen.
Jihyo used her telekinesis to lift two of the henchmen.
Nayeon using her elasticity to pull them apart.
Jeongyeon trying to fry their circuits.
Momo who ran around a couple of henchmen to make them dizzy with the help of Sana who was duplicating herself to confuse and distract them as well as making the ground shake and trapping them in a boulder.
Mina focused hard, thinking of an animal to transform. In an instant she transformed into a wolf, ripping all their circuits and soft metal parts.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun used their abilities to freeze and set fire to them with the help of Tzuyu who used her super strength to throw them at each other and punching them making them fly threw the air.

However, there were more coming towards them, they were backed away until they reached the edge.
"There's too many of them, you have to jump." Seungyeon said.
"Jump where?!" Sana exclaimed.
"Just jump off, the Han River is below you'll be safe to land, I have to stay with the sphere."
"Seungyeon!" Jeongyeon shouted, but she already turned invisible.
The girls were on their own.
"What if we miss the river?" Momo was shaking.
"There's no other choice." Jihyo said as she looked at her friends and nodded before jumping off.
She was then followed by Jeongyeon and then Chaeyoung and Mina.
Dahyun and Momo went together, there were even more henchmen and only 3 girls left.
"I'm scared." Nayeon spoke.
"Don't worry, I'll help you." Tzuyu said and pushed Nayeon off resulting in a loud scream.
Sana who was scared grabbed onto Tzuyu for dear life.
"I'll jump with you." Tzuyu smiled at Sana which made her less scared.
They both jumped, as they followed the other girls.

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