Change of Events

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Chapter 7

Nal’s eyes were burning with fire as he  came to know that one of the prisoner has escaped killing two of his loyal servants.

‘Do you have any clues in which direction he left,' asked Nal in a lowered voice as everyone was looking at him and his informer who were standing in front of the queen.
‘Nal you have my permission, search him and bring him to the court, Kuber was right he must have done something and that is the reason behind his escape. Before he proves himself a threat to our kingdom catch him,’Ilavida's voice was firm as she ordered her chief commander.

Soon Nal left the court and went outside following his queen's order.
As Ilavida started addressing his court, the royal minister and the advisor of the Kingdom, Maniman spoke, 'lts time for the prince to be crowned as the king of the kingdom, You have looked after your duties for too long my queen but the Kingdom needs a king and it will be good for the stability and strength of the Kingdom that Kuber gets coronated as soon as possible and overtake his responsibilities.’
‘You are right Maniman, we need to take the decision and I assure you all that Kuber is ready to ascend the throne of Lanka,' as she announced her mind was clear with the decision. He has efficient sources, and moreover he has managed to keep an eye on the kingdom and has even succeeded in safeguarding it, the recent happenings were a great addition to his trust, thought Ilavida.
Nal went to his chamber where he summoned Nakshi, he was his twin and a true follower of his brother.
‘We need to look for that Naga who has escaped before he reaches the queen, ‘ordered Nal.
‘You don’t worry he will never reach the queen,' Nakshi left the room at once.
Once the meeting was over and the royal gathering was dismissed, Ilavida asked his servant to call Kuber in the court.
After few minutes, Kuber arrived and bowed in front of her mother,' you called me ma.’
‘Yes I did, my son' I want you to come near me. Kuber climbed the steps with little difficulty and reached near the throne. Ilavida stood and moved aside, ' This throne is yours, relieve me of my duties so that I can visit your grandfather and can continue my life by offering my service to the mankind.’
‘You know this is not possible, you want me to come here daily in front of everyone one to be insulted, to become  a subject of mere entertainment and fun,' kuber’s voice was filled with anger and disgust.
‘No, I want you to come here to show your authority and to present your power and your strength. To prove everyone, everyday that you can do whatever you want. I want you to overcome your fear and to showcase your intelligence to everyone who does not regard you. Be brave my son before it’s too late and kings from far-off places try to invade this beautiful place which I have safeguarded for you all these years,’as she was speaking a servant came running inside and interrupted them,
‘My queen and my prince, ' a man has descended on the shore of Lanka from a bird that was flying in the aaair…and it stood on the ground.’
Ilavida shouted,' There is no such thing that can fly like a bird, it must be a bird only, go and ask the soldiers to look into this matter.
‘  queen, that ma… has send me to yyou……he stammered as he spoke.
Kubera was looking in surprise as he was unable to believe his ears.
‘Who's that man who dared to step on this land without our knowledge? Summon him to me at once,' ordered Ilavida.
The servant ran away and after few minutes returned with the man. Ilavida was unable to recognise him at once and she asked him,
'who are you and what do you seek in Lanka?’

‘I am grandson of Brahma, son of great Rishi Pulatsya, Agastya is my name.’
As Ilavida heard him she was stupified at her place,unable to speak anything but kuber who was unaware of his identity asked,
'why you have come here? What do you want?’
Before Agastya could answer Kuber,
Ilavida interrupted,
'Take the great sage Agastya to the royal chambers and offer all your services. Soon we will meet rishi Agastya.  Ilavida joined her hands and paid her respect.
Though Agastya was not expecting a good welcome but he realised that Ilavida has recognised him correctly. As Agastya left for his stay at the royal chambers.
Kuber asked,' You know him?’
‘Yes', answered Ilavida
All these years she had hidden the true identity of his origin. Who was his father and whose grandson he was. She never took his father’s name nor she discussed about his paternal family. She knew that this will only aggravate his anger.
’ Great grandson of Brahma, the Prajapita is in such state, leading a miserable life, what he will think of his family when he will realise that he was born in a family of skilled Acharyas, physicians, surgeons and no one came to his rescue,' she feared as she thought.
Once when Kuber was too small to understand she even did meditation and satisfied Brahma with her Tapasya, when he appeared, she requested to improve the physical disability of her son and to curse her instead. She was ready to do penance as she was unable to bear the pain of watching her child struggling, but Brahma denied.
She even requested his father, vaisharva who could have asked for a better life for his son but he too failed as Brahma, the Prajapita said,
' it is his karma and he cannot escape it , but a time will come when he will be welcomed by the Gods himself.’
Her thoughts even shifted to his father,’How his father, his reason of existence failed in his responsibilities and left the kingdom. He could have stayed even after the argument and could have done a lot but he chose to leave and it was that very moment when Ilavida decided not to cast the shadows of kuber’s past on him. She knew it will only worsen the situation but today the past has presented itself in front of her but she decided not to let it ruin her hardwork that she did to safeguard her child.
She replied to Kuber, the time has come to crown you as king and you will be coronated after two days. Prepare yourself, I will ask Rishi Agastya to complete all the ceremonies and to bless you. His visit is very pious for us.
‘Ma, If you think this is best for the kingdom then be it but who is he and why he has come? I have never heard of him earlier.’said Kuber

‘He is a Rishi and no saint requires any permission to enter a kingdom. I think he has forseen your coronation and hence he is here,'
Kuber left the palace and went to meet Nal for he had many other important things to focus on but Ilavida decided to join Rishi Agastya at once.

As she entered Agastya's chamber, she saw him sitting on the mat on the floor, lost in deep meditation.
‘I never expected you at Lanka, your reason must be of great concern,' spoke Ilavida.
Agastya revived from his dhyan mudra and spoke,’I have come to my kingdom, my father’s kingdom and I think I don’t need permission to do that,' answered Agastya.
‘Your kingdom, your father’s kingdom…….where were you when your coward brother left me here with a two year old physically disabled son. Nobody came to our rescue. This Kingdom belongs to me and my son, kuber,' Ilavida's voice was shaking with emotion.

‘I am daughter of Rishi Bhardwaj and I know that what it takes to be a great sage of your stature and hence I will never disrespect you or dishonor you. You are welcomed in my kingdom and you can stay as long as you wish but after two days Kuber will be crowned as a king and it will be a matter of great honour for me and my son if you present yourself at the auspicious occasion and bless him,’ Ilavida’s voice was full of dignity while she addressed the sage with sheer humbleness.

First time in life Agastya felt that somewhere something has been done wrong. Ilavida has faced a lot of trouble and kuber has suffered the ignorance of his own family members.

Agastya was speechless when Ilavida left the room. He knew that there is not much he can do but he decided to meet kuber and to help him as much as he could.

Far on the other corner of the palace, kubera was shocked after hearing the news that one of the prisoner has escaped. He shouted,'Ring him to me at any cost and meet me in my chamber tonight for I will clear your doubt and will extract all the information from him.’
The day has arrived and I cannot avoid it any more. For all these years I have taken my mother in my confidence so much that she is willingly dying to coronate me and once I am the king no one can stop me from finding the mystery of 'Ahilangka', which is hidden for all these years.

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