The True Hier

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Chapter 19


Kaikesi was determined to move to his father’s abode as she knew that it was the right place where she could find help and can save his son and husband.

‘Kumbhakaran, Chandranakha, prepare yourself for the journey. We would leave today for Patal lok. Take that boy, Aghula along with us,' Kaikesi’s words were crystal clear as her thoughts.

Chandranakha left the place to make the arrangements while Kumbhakaran left for the temple to look after Aghula.

Aghula was now back to his senses and had  recovered a lot faster in comparison to what had been expected by Kaikesi.

‘The medicines are working in favour of you. I suppose you would be able to move with us,' kumbhakaran checked his wounds and pulse.

‘Move with you, but where?,' Aghula looked surprised.

‘That would be told to you when you reach there. You would be required to give all the information you possess about your king,' kumbhakaran offered him water and directed him towards the aashram where kaikesi and Chandranakha were waiting.

They were all set to move towards Vidhya Ranges that led to the Kingdom of Mali and Sumali. It was an old cart that kumbhakaran tied to the horses and kept food and water for the route. Aghula was carefully laid in one corner whereas kaikesi sat at the other end. Chandranakha accompanied kumbhakaran in the front and directed the horses.


Back in Lanka, Agastya was helping Maniman in finding ways to satisfy the need of Kuber for the moment.

‘What all you have done these years,' Agastya questioned Maniman.

‘I had done all that could solace my master and could reach the one who did this to him,'Maniman replied.

‘Did this? No one had done anything he was born with deformity.’

‘This was instilled inside him while he was in the womb of his mother. He came to know through spirits that talk to him. When I was told about it I secretly checked his Nari and analysed his body for some months and realised it. It was not a natural birth but a tormented one,' Maniman eyes reflected concern while he spoke of Kuber.

Agastya was shocked to hear this aspect of his birth and realised that whatever was happening that was due to his sheer desire to become a perfect one.

I can help him heal his internal  injury while he is busy searching for the Sahasrara Mani.

Nal was now entring the facility and he looked at both of them.

 ‘Maniman you are called by the king,' Nal announced.

‘Rishi Agastya you would be now transferred to another facilitiy in strict security. I believe you would cooperate with us. Maniman would join you there shortly,'Nal gestured his soldiers to transfer Agastya.

Maniman was taken to Kuber.

In his dim lit chamber, Kuber was was taking restless rounds with his bumping leg and was full of anxiety.

‘Maniman is here, Agastya had been transferred to the new facility as per your command,' Nal explained and left the room.

‘To what extent you had succeeded Maniman,' Kuber smiled at him although he was not willing to.

‘I have got a lot of information out of him. He had believed in our show. Didn’t I told you earlier that he need to believe someone here. My so called suffering had allowed him to relate with me,'

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