The Wounded Messenger

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Chapter 13

Vibhishana and Chandranakha were on their regular trail through the forest to the river for bringing water. As they progressed Vibhishana eyes fell on a body that lied amidst forest and was partially covered with leaves. Vibhishan ran up to the man , who is this ?

Chandranakha who had already moved ahead in the direction of the river when turned to call for his brother found that Vibhishan was not there. She shouted,'Vibhishan where are you? '

'Didi come here, ' Chandranakha turned in the direction of the voice and was shocked to find out the boy who was lying unconscious on the ground.

'Who is he?'

'I found him lying here.'

'Let's carry him to our place, he needs medical assistance right now. I can feel his heart beat growing fainter.'

While they both carried the body, they found that it was partially burnt and there was a deep wound on the leg of the boy.

'He seems your age Vibhishan,' said Chandranakha

'How he was lying in the forest?' Vibhishan was filled with doubt.

He is lucky that, none of the animals smelled him or else he would have been eaten up till now.

From a distance Kumbhakaran saw that Chandranakha and Vibhishan were carrying something, he ran towards them and found that it was a young boy. 'Where you found him, who is he,' while carrying him on his shoulders, Kumbhakaran spoke.

We don't know, where is maa, call her.

Vibhishan called Kaikesi, she came running to the temple where they have kept the body on the floor.

'Maa, we found him in the forest. He is still breathing.' Chandra, bring the Ashtmegha buti and prepare a thick syrup in water and add five ratti of the hriday poshak churna that was prepared by you father.

Vibhishan bring me the lep that is kept in your brother's small box.

Soon, Kaikesi was putting drops of syrup in his mouth and Vibhishan was putting lep on his wounded leg and burnt body. Cover him with a wet cloth and let him sleep. He will be awake by evening.

'Who has done this to him, what a cruel and inhumane act?,' said Chandranakha

'Only he can tell, once he is conscious you can question your doubts my sister,' smiled Kumbhakaran.

Vibhishan and Kaikesi were looking at the boy who lied motionless on the mat..... in their temple.

Ravula along with his father and grandfather father reached Dandakaranya.

'Soon we will reach Agastya's abode it must be close to the river.' Said Pulatsya.

Ravula was now walking ahead of them cutting plants and clearing the area to walk. He turned to Pulatsya,' we are almost there and I can see an ashram.'

'Is it surrounded by a protective hedge,' asked Vaisharva.


That's it then, my brother is always cautious about his surroundings. Living amidst forest with your wife is not an easy task.

'He had a family?'

No, he lives here with his wife Lopamudra.

The trio reached the ashram and Vaisharva called Agastya but soon Lopamudra appeared and bowed in front of them.

'Pranam pita ji.'

Where is Agastya? we have come to meet him.

He is not here, he left the place for finding work that might help us in leading a better life.

Ascetics never search for work, their sole work is to devote their life for the well being of mankind.

Pitaji, it's been years, I have devoted myself to him but for a child to survive and grow, a proper place is required and hence he had to leave.

Where he had gone now?

He didn't said anything and left. It's been over a month now.

Pulatsya looked at Lopamudra,' we will stay tonight and will return tomorrow.'

Ravula listening to this news was disheartened.

Vaisharva went to the riverside and decided to sit in dhyan mudra and to unite with his creator prjapita Brahma.

Pulatsya was lying on a small wooden chopa and slept while Ravula decided to bathe in the river.

Vaisharva was in deep meditation when lord Brahma appeared in front of him.

This journey might end tomorrow. Ravula has learned a lot and might stay with his grandfather. For attaining further knowledge. But he was unable to meet Agastya.

'He had been to Lanka,' Vaisharva eyes widened.

Lanka, but Ravula doesn't know anything about it.

'It's time to tell him, we cannot escape our fate nor we can get rid our past, we will face it someday,' suggested Lord Brahma.

Vaisharva eyes opened and he found Ravula bathing in the river in front of him.

'He deserves to know, and this is the right time,' thought Vaisharva.

It was evening, Vibhishan was standing in front of the boy, who was now returning to his senses.

'Kumbha, call maa.'

Kaikesi was soon standing there with Chandranakha.......

The boy looked at the place and called,' Rishi Vaisharva,' his voice was fainter and he was unable to utter the words clearly.

'Who are you and where you have come from,' asked Chandranakha.

Bring some water for him, Kaikesi sent Kumbha and came nearer to the boy.

What happened to you? Where are you from?

I want see Rishi Vaisharva.

'He is not here,' replied Kaikesi.

Kumbhakaran brought water in n small earthen pot and Vibhishan helped the boy and supported his wounded body in drinking water

I am from Lanka.....the boy spoke in a dull voice

Kaikesi's eyes widened when she heard the name.

'How you have'.........

her voice choked inside her throat.

I am sent here through a portal by Rishi Agastya.

Kaikesi was now growing restless.

I belong to Naga tribe. Rishi Agastya asked me to inform ......his voice started wobbling and soon he fainted.

'Bring the potion for him, he is weak and needs more rest,' said Chandranakha.

Kaikesi was lost in her own thoughts.

'What he is talking about. What is this place Lanka? And why he was taking name of our uncle Rishi Agastya?,' Vibhishan was baffled.

He looked straight into his mother's eyes.

Kaikesi's face turned white and she was unable to answer Vibhishan.

The events of the past now appeared in front of her. All these years she never let her past to touch her present but now she couldn't do anything to stop it.

Chandranakha came nearer to her mother,

' Are you alright maa?'.

Her words brought Kaikesi back to her present.

She sat down and checked the boys nerves that indicated that it was difficult for him to survive but now it was important to save him as only he could tell what happened and why he was sent here. kaikesi's fear about her child appeared again as her thought went straight to her son, Ravula.

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