Innocent Lies

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Author's Note:

Okay, so this is one of my first stories posted on Wattpad, so bear with me, lol. I'm not one of those crazy others that don't post unless you get votes or comments, but ya know feedback always helps and makes me wanna post more(: *Hint hint.*

So just enjoyy! :D



I dodged passing branches and overgrown plants as Starlight pounded through the woods at a frightening speed. The wind whipped my long dark brown hair all around my face. I laughed from the rush of it all. We broke through to a clearing where I slowly brought Starlight to a halt. I sat, patiently waiting for Stefan to catch up.

Sure enough he come pounding through the clearing, puffing and panting, tiny scratches covering his cheeks.

"Damn prickle bushes." He muttered, tearing his gaze away from the victorious me. I sat there, giving him a triumphant smile.

"I win," I said, hopping off Starlight and letting her go so she could graze.

"I'll beat you one day," He laughed. Not likely, I added in my head. Ever since I can remember I'd always beat him at horse races. Not that I was a better rider, I was just plain clever. I headed over to the little stream and knelt down to get a drink of water, quickly followed by Stefan. 

Further North the little stream turned into a relatively deep pool, covered by an outcropping of rocks. I stood up, jogging off. Stefan, knowing what I was going to do stood up and called out to me.

"Emmy, don't do this," He shouted. "Not today! I don't feel like swimming!" I turned around, but continued to walk backwards.

"Then don't!" I shouted before whirling around and breaking off into a sprint. Sure enough his pounding footsteps were gaining behind me. Before he could stop me I jumped, sailing over the outcropping of rocks and executed a perfect dive into the pool. The cold water was refreshing, just what I needed after an exhilarating ride on a hot day. I broke the surface and blinked the water out of my eyes before staring up at Stefan.

"Emmy, why won't you ever listen to me?" He said, frustrated. I laughed.

"Well," I said, floating on my back. "I've never listened to you before, so why start now?" I smirked.

"You know, doctors say it's good to try new things." He smiled, his frustrations diminishing. You couldn't stay mad at me for long, it just doesn't work.

"True," I searched my mind for a retort. "They say a lot of things. It doesn't mean their true." I stuck out my tongue before diving below the surface. I heard a huge splash, knowing Stefan had given in, like usual.

My lungs pleaded for air so I reluctantly swam to the surface. Stefan was in the middle of the pool, treading water.

"You're a brat, you know that?" He joked.

"And you sir, are a royal pain in my a-" I cut off, remembering our bet. He had bet that he could go longer without fighting with his father than I could without cursing. It's not that I had a dirty mouth, it's just I have a bad temper, and sometimes I use choice words.

"Ah ah ah," He chuckled. "You wouldn't want to have to muck out the horse stables for a week now would you?" I shut my mouth, throwing him a dirty look. Suddenly I grew really tired of treading and swam to the edge of the water and pulled myself up over a smaller outcropping that led to a hole in the rocks. This hole was a cave, and since it was at an angle that the usual passerby couldn't see it only Stefan and I knew it was here.

Stefan followed suit, probably happy to be out of the chilly water. He's such a baby.

I sat down at the edge of the cave, wringing my hair out.

"That water was absolutely freezing." He said, rubbing his hands together.

"Don't be such a boy, Stefan," I said. "It felt great."

"In case you haven't noticed, I am a boy, and quite a remarkable one if I do say so myself." He gave me that irritating smug grin.

"Someone's a little stuck on their self," I cocked an eyebrow at him. He smiled and sat back against the rock wall. I'd had a lot on my mind lately, and being with Stefan helped clear things up a bit. All my worries went away even if it was just for a while. But now, sitting here in silence, I just had to ask him what had been in the back of my mind all morning.

"Stefan," I said. He opened his eyes.


"Do you," I stopped, not sure if I should continue. He looked at me expectantly. "Do you think that my father really killed Sir Erasmus?" He looked intently at me, not sure how to respond.

"Your father is a good man, Emmy," He said. He looked out at the pool before turning back to me. "No, I don't think he did it." I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I smiled and he smiled back. Then I realized something.

"Well, can't your father help him then? I mean, they've been friends forever. Plus my father's on the KAC." The KAC was short for King's Advisory Council. The Advisory Council helped the King make big decisions and reminded him of the law if necessary.

"He's tried. It's out of his hands. It's left to his council to decide how to go about your father's trial." He looked down at his hands.

"Well then can you at least help me?" Stefan threw me a quizzical look.

"Help me get to my father, you're the Prince, you have access to all over the palace! I just need to see him." I said, my voice breaking. Tears started forming but I blinked them away and chewed on my lower lip.

"Emmy," His tone was filled with regret. "You know I can't do that."

I nodded, understanding. He pulled me into a hug.

"Emmy, you're my best friend in the whole world. I'd die for you and I'd kill for you, but there are some thing's that are out of my power. I'm sorry." His words only forced the tears out that I'd been trying so hard to hold in.

Innocent LiesWhere stories live. Discover now