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I couldn't believe Stefan was taking me to see my father! Suddenly it didn't matter that he had stood me up, all that mattered was I was going to get to see my father for the first time in weeks! I could barely contain my excitement and gratefulness as a guard led us down a depressing corridor. I felt something tugging at my dress. I turned around to see a prisoner grabbing at me, pulling me closer. His face was dirty and scarred. I let out a scream as he grabbed my arm. I tried to jerk myself from his grimy, sweaty grasp. His stench made me want to vomit.

Stefan was at my side in and instant, ripping his hands off of me. He looked at me, concern written all over his face.

"Are you all right?" He asked, placing his hands on my arms. I nodded my head, still shaken up. "Stay away from the bars, okay?" I nodded again, following Stefan farther down the hallway.

"Help," A voice whispered, sending chills up my spine. I grabbed onto Stefan's arm. He looked down and smiled.

"It's okay," He soothed. Finally we came to a halt at a cell door.

"You have guests," The guard spoke to the darkness. He opened the cell door and gestured us in. I tentatively walked in, afraid of what I was going to see. In the dimly lit corner lay what was supposed to be my father. But this man was not the loving father I once knew. His usually tidy graying hair was uncombed and greasy, his clothes a horrid mess. I let out a sob. He was so thin, so different. How could a few weeks change a person so much?

"Emmy?" A strained voice broke through the darkness. I walked over and hugged him, ignoring the stench. "Oh, my Emmy, how I've missed you!" He sobbed into my shoulder. I held him carefully, afraid he'd break. I didn't know what to say.

"I've missed you too! It's been so awful!" I pulled back and looked at his now glowing green eyes.

"I didn't do it," He whispered. I nodded, trying to blink away the tears so I could see him.

"I know you didn't, I never believed it for one minute!" It was hard to control my emotions, and stay calm for his sake.

"It was an assassination plot, they framed me." He kept his voice low.

I couldn't believe this, who framed him? Who would want to kill Sir Erasmus? And what did that have against my father to want to send him to prison?

"Who did, father?" I needed to get this information, maybe this would free him.

"His name is Randolf Grimsby. He's from a land, not too far from here. He wanted to overthrow our Kingdom, I overheard it and went to speak with Sir Erasmus as soon as I got back. I saw that I was too late and started running back, and that's when the guards found me." His face fell.

"How do you know this?" I asked, happy that I had found a way to maybe get him out of this horrid place.

"I was the ambassador to that Kingdom. I went and visited with his council. That night I overheard him talking in his room to the person he was hiring. When I got back to the palace I realized my knife was missing, but I ignored the fact and instead tried to get to Sir Erasmus. I was too late,"

"Why haven't you told anyone of this?" I demanded.

"No one will listen," He seemed ashamed even though he had done nothing wrong.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, father, I promise!" I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"Emmy don't cry," He said wiping at a tear. "You have to be strong, for me, alright? I'll be okay, just control your emotions, if you don't bad things can come of it, okay?" I nodded my head, knowingly.

"I love you, father." I gave one last sob and a hug, relishing in the comfort he brought me. I got up and left, Stefan draping his arm around my shoulder's leading me back with the guard.

I wiped at my tears, I had to be strong like my father said. Stefan rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me. I was all too aware of his touch. I shouldn't be feeling this way about him, he liked that blonde girl.

"Thank you so much, Stefan. That meant more to me than you can ever imagine," I tried not to stare into his eyes; afraid I'd expose too much of what I was really feeling for him.

"I'm just glad that we can be friends again," He spoke, softly.

"Who ever said we stopped?" I joked, trying to sound like my old self again. He pulled me closer.

Too soon though we had exited the prison and he let go of me, us standing there in awkward silence. My shoulders felt cold and bare without his arm there, comforting me.

"Stefan," I started my voice shaky. "I need to tell you something. Something really important." He put his hands in his pocket.

"Okay, but first what were you and your father talking about?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you." I took a deep breath, wondering how much I should share. So I started with the beginning of my father's story and stared at him expectantly when I finished.

"But there's no proof that this is actually what happened." Stefan said. I stood and thought for a second. What he said was true, but what if we found some proof?

"Of course," I silently kicked myself for not thinking of it before. "The knife!" Stefan stared at me like I was insane.

"The murder weapon! They must have it archived somewhere. If we can just get to it and run a few tests then maybe we can prove that my father's innocent!" Stefan raked his hands through his dark hair. He let out a puff of air before responding.

"I guess I'm in this for good," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be such a boy Stefan," I laughed. "Of course you're in this."

He smiled. "Emmy's back."

I punched him in the shoulder.

"I never left, you doof."

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