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I stood and simply stared at nothing. I couldn't believe the rumors that were being spread already! How did word travel that fast, and get so twisted in the process? I felt really bad for Emmy. She had her own problems to deal with right now; she shouldn't be burdened with mine too.

"Just ignore them," I almost laughed. She was so cute when she blushed. Wait, what am I thinking? This is Emmy! The girl I used to make mud pies with, whom I used to play pranks on the servants with, and who could beat me at a horse race anytime! If she was anything it was not cute! Was it?

"I know," She said, turning to leave. This bothered me. Ever since her father was put in prison she's really distanced herself from me. She's not the care free, happy-go-lucky girl she was a few days ago. I can't imagine how tough things must be for her. Being separated from her father, her only family, for this long has to be awful. Sure we were like her family too, but it just wasn't the same. She hasn't been to a party in a few weeks.

I mean, she'd always been easy at hiding when she's upset around me. But ever since yesterday at the cave she's been really short-sentenced with me.

"Hey, Emmy!" I called after her. She turned around, looking at me expectantly. "What are you doing this afternoon?" She took a minute before she replied.

"Nothing, why?" I smiled at her response.

"Well would you want to go for a ride into town? Maybe we could go to the theater and see a play; we haven't done that in a while." A smile played at the corners of her lips.

"Okay," She said. "What time?" I thought for a second.

"Hm, how about five?"
          "Okay, guess I'll see you then." She flashed me a smile before walking off. Gosh she had a nice smile.

About four hours later I picked out my best shirt for my date with Emmy. Wait, was this even a date? No, it was simply two friends hanging out. I trifled through my wardrobe for some nice pants. I never cared this much about my appearance before, and this worried me. I couldn't fall in love with Emmy. We're friends, and only friends. There's no way in a million years she'd ever love me. I can tell I'm not her type. We're almost exact opposites.

After I was dressed I fiddle with my hair. Darn cow lick, making my hair stick up in the front.

"I see you're ready for the party." I spun around in shock to see Alina in her party dress.

"What party?" I asked, completely confused.

"Stefan don't tell me you forgot!" Alina walked over and brushed out some wrinkles on my jacket.

"You asked me to invite some friends over. They went to a great deal of trouble to get here on time, so you're not getting out of this one!" I tried to protest but she ignored my attempts to speak and dragged me off to the dining hall.

Please don't get mad, Emmy. I prayed in my head as I was greeted by a throng of people.

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