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I kicked a rock, infuriated. Stefan was an hour late! I had a lot of other things I could be doing right now, other than standing outside waiting for my stupid friend to remember we had plans! I could be trying to figure out a way to get my father out of prison, I could be riding Starlight, or practicing my fencing.

I walked back into the palace. Might as well go to my room. Walking farther down the hall I heard rumbling laughter. Sounded like more than one person too. Maybe the King and Queen were having dinner guests. Not likely, they would warn me ahead of time like always. I stopped by the dining hall doors and cracked it open.

There was a circle of giggling girls surrounding someone. I couldn't see who it was. Over in the corner was a group of boys, I recognized them from one of Stefan's birthday parties. He never much cared for them.

All of a sudden music started and the girls all squealed getting up and hustled around to grab a dancing partner. I gasped when I realized who they were huddling around. Stefan.

A pretty blonde grabbed Stefan's hand and led him out to the dance floor. I blinked back the tears. He rested his hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They stared at each other, her smiling like an idiot and Stefan smiling right back. I couldn't believe this. Stefan stood me up for this stupid party! For his stupid rich friends! Did I even matter to him anymore? Did he even care that he was hurting me in more ways than he thought possible?

Then a thought occurred to me. We were just friends, so why was I so upset when he smiled at her? Why was I so jealous? Once the song ended the blonde reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him. Kissed him! At first he looked taken aback, but then he closed his eyes and kissed her back. I couldn't take this anymore; the tears were running down my cheeks.

I shut the door and ran; no I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry. I ran all the way out of the palace and into the fencing courtyard. I opened the shed and grabbed my favorite foil.

Why was I so mad? I mean, Stefan and I had no other feelings for each other except us being friends. But I was still extremely mad that he blew me off for those shallow rich kids! I sobbed into my hands, trying to control myself. Once I was collected I grabbed my foil and walked out into the courtyard, practicing my fencing moves.

I slashed the air, relieving all my anger.

"Care if I join you?" My heart skipped at first, thinking it was Stefan, until I realized it was only Sperling.

"Yes, I-" I stopped realizing that this would be a great opportunity to not only take out my anger at Stefan but to take out my anger on Sperling as well. "I would love for you to." I quickly recovered and waited as he grabbed a foil from the shed.

"Usually I don't fight girls," He said, an evil glint in his eye. Big mistake, I thought, my anger rising. We started off with some simple moves, me taking the defensive first. I used my left hand first, saving my right arm strength for the end. It took me many years of practice to master both arms, as most people who fenced didn't. But here's the key. If you master both arms, then you use one until the opponents arm tires, then you can switch to your other one and quickly best your tired competitor.

As we went on I noticed sweat was starting to form on his forehead and his moves and blocks were getting sloppier. That's my cue, I thought as I quickly switched my foil to my right hand. Being caught off guard with a quick flick of my wrist I sent his foil sailing out of his hand, me quickly bringing mine up to his neck.

He stood there, huffing and panting a look of pure shock written all over his face. I couldn't help but smile at my victory.

"Dang," He said. "You still got it." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him, throwing my foil into his unsuspecting arms.

"Loser cleans up," I said walking away. I heard him throw the foils into the shed and slam the door shut, quickly dashing after me. I sighed, not wanting to have to deal with his annoying and not to mention extremely rude comments.

I'll admit beating Sperling at fencing helped release some of the anger I had bottled up at Stefan. But I was saving the rest of my anger for Stefan. He'll get was he deserves, believe me, he will.

"Emmy, wait!" Sperling came to a stop next to me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. "I just wanted to apologize for the other day." He raked his fingers through his ash blonde hair.

"You're not sorry," I gave him the meanest look I could muster.

"No, truly I am," He pleaded with his blue eyes. "It never registered that who they had arrested was your father until I talked to you that day. After finding out it was your father I went to the prison and spoke with him. I know it wasn't him, Emmy. I know how much you and your father love the royal family, and I also know your father is not capable of murder. I'll fight with everything I have to get him out, Emmy. I promise."

I was shocked at the sincerity in his voice, but more importantly shocked that he had promised to help my father. I blinked back tears at his generosity.

"Thank you," My voice broke. "You have no idea how much that means to me." Just the thought of my father being released from the prison made me cry. What was wrong with me? I had always been so strong around other people and these past few days I'd just broke down no matter who was with me. Sperling pulled me into a hug and shushed me, stroking my hair. It felt good, to be back in his arms. A feeling of safety and calmness washed over me. I quickly drew back and wiped my eyes, apologizing.

"You're fine," He said softly. I swallowed. I couldn't let my feelings for Sperling resurface, not when I was in love with Stefan. Wait, what did I just think?

Oh gosh! I thought, letting it sink in. I'm in love with Stefan!

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